
JANUARY 10, 1980, 5:54 AM

I have showed thee, o son, what it is you are to use as your theme for today. There was to be no going back to sleep this morning, for you are bound to Me, and that “boundness” must be shown from time to time. This is such a morning.

To be “bound”, perceived as being “tied up” does not seem to be desirable. But look at it this way – you are free within certain bounds, but are not free to go beyond what I would have you go. You still have plenty of freedom, but when We are bound together there are, finally, bounds beyond which you simply won’t go. (Yes, you are not paying good attention. You put in that redundancy, not I. But just see it as a reinforcement. But… attention!)

This is the most restrictive sense of the word, o son. Hear some others. Being bound to Me also implies being always close. Lo, I am with you always, in the midst of whatever it is you are doing. Your sense of this is still limited and immature, but you have the essence of it within your spiritual self. For some it would be a scary thought… like a Siamese twin or like two people in a three-legged race. But it is becoming clear to you without being frightening… if We are bound together (as We are) then I am with you at all moments of time. You hide nothing from Me. I do not intervene regularly, but I direct, and I influence, and I observe.

Yes, I do also judge, but that is a minor function. My task is to help you become the best person you can be in the life. Judging is only helpful when it is a way of improving. Think not long about being judged.

Another sense of the concept of bound is that of being on a “journey”. You are bound for somewhere. But where? In one sense this is very real, and in another it is an illusion, a maya. Both are true. You are bound toward a life where your consciousness of being bound to Me is clear and everpresent and enjoyable. Souls who have reached this state have found it to be a state of bliss… a life more full than it is fettered. How long will you be on this journey? That’s where the illusion part applies.

That for which you are bound is there within you. The journey and the state are the same. You are bound for the “somewhere” that is you just now. It is still a journey, and yet it is an illusion. Much like time.

It is interesting to Me why some people feel so bound by bounds. Limits can be comforting… can give you a sense of “home”. This is how I want you to see the bounds in which you are. There is much latitude… much to do within these bounds. Do not fret about what is beyond. Live fully and joyfully within the bounds I set.

So, let’s sum it up. (Go ahead… look back and see where we have been.) You are bound to Me as I am bound to you. (Could it be otherwise? That really isn’t an issue. That’s all I’ll say). This state of being has bounds beyond which you may not go, but there is all the latitude you need. There is no purpose in feeling restricted. Your freedom is within these bounds. Exercise it with joy.

For being bound is being close. From Me no secrets are hid. I know the thoughts of your mind and of your “heart” or spirit. Ours is not a competition but a cooperation. Know that you are doing My will. Accept, again and again, the grace I have for you… and then the direction and the influence. Grace results in a new and better life. I’ll say it again, o son: don’t be concerned with what you are not, but be aware of and appreciate what you are.

Finally, you are bound on a journey “to perfection”. It is a real, hazardous, difficult journey… and the end of it is in you right at this moment. Know both truths. You are bound for where you are. Where you are is that faraway, non-reachable “place” for which you are bound.

So, let that be your guide this day. The book is done. Hallelujah! There is both more to do and nothing more to do. Live with both realities. Know that We are bound together. Fettered yet free.

7:03 AM