Brain And Spirit

SUN., MAY 5, 1985, 5:50 AM
SUN., 5:50 , STUDY

Your experience yesterday was a stimulating one, and, as you suspected, I have some comments to add that shall make it more complete. Your responsibilities are many now, but you must have time for some Teachings. As I have told you many times, they finally do not consume any time that could have been better used otherwise. My economy is supreme.

The human brain is a marvelous creation, one of the most complex parts of the total creation, the individual human. The functioning of this organ can be described as it was yesterday, but, as admitted, this description did not consider spirit. Naturally, the picture I want you to see has spirit more clearly identified.

Spirit has no site in the body as its dwelling place. The mind emanates from the brain, but the spirit cannot be confined to any structure. Spirit is permeating… but its influence is dependent upon its development or maturity. The greater the spiritual development the more it permeates, and the more all functions of the body and mind are affected and influenced by this everlasting element.

There is nothing wrong with the explanations given yesterday… except that spirit was not factored in. Since spirit is involved with ultimate purpose and less concerned with the mundane purposes of day-to-day earth life, it should be clear that a dominance of the right brain also can be interpreted as a desirable combination of mind and spirit, while a dominance on the left is the more competitive clash of mind and spirit. The concerns of a dominant left brain are not particularly compatible with, and can be antagonistic to, the concerns of spirit. You translated properly when you concluded that if you had a dominant left brain you would not be here this morning receiving this Teaching, nor would you have any of these evidences of My influence in your life.

However, the fact that these are written down, which makes them much more useful and retrievable than a more typical meditation, no matter how vivid it may be, is evidence (in the scheme presented) of left brain activity. So, this that We do together is a unique interaction between the receptive nature of your right brain, open to these many topics and the spirit of the Teachings, and your left, which has a developed style of writing and the capacity and desire to write what you hear in a clear, readable fashion. What a nice partnership this is!

The capacity of your left brain enabled you to complete the task for Koo, with the motivation being a product of your spirit and your right brain. That was a worthwhile use of your abilities, and, grudgingly, I accept this as an excuse for your tardiness with this current Ruminations. However, you shall have to heed My urgings as this week progresses. You must use your time wisely, and as I direct. I am aware of your many responsibilities/opportunities. Just be open to My leading this week.

SUN., MAY 5, 1985, 5:50 AM
SUN., 5:50 , STUDY

Your experience yesterday was a stimulating one, and, as you suspected, I have some comments to add that shall make it more complete. Your responsibilities are many now, but you must have time for some Teachings. As I have told you many times, they finally do not consume any time that could have been better used otherwise. My economy is supreme.

The human brain is a marvelous creation, one of the most complex parts of the total creation, the individual human. The functioning of this organ can be . . .

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