Break Through

SAT., JAN. 28, 1989, 6:45 AM

Just as a change, on an original Sabbath morn, I offer you a test of faith. You have three blank pages, with a title, about which you are apprehensive. You don’t know what this is about and have personal doubts that it can be a worthwhile Teaching. So you must trust that I am here… and can provide. Proceed, o son.

The sky is aflame, but it is not certain that the sun, as it appears to rise, will break through these clouds that herald a new day. Is the power of the sun sufficient to break through, or are there sufficient clouds to muffle its appearance? It is a day of transition, so says the weather forecaster. The clearness of yesterday shall give way to clouds, rain, and gloom.

I am eternally present in your waking life, just as the sun is present on each day in your part of the earth. Sometimes My influence breaks through, and you feel and acknowledge Me as companion, mentor, and guide. At other times the spiritual equivalent of clouds are present, and My influence cannot break through. This is part of the spiritual growth process… and I will say that the sun shines more and more brightly for you than for many other Christians.

The analogy breaks down, however, when you ask about the ultimate state. For any place on the earth, health is not eternal sunshine. Rather, a balance between clouds and sunshine, between rain and dryness, between hot and cold is the ideal. In spiritual growth the ultimate is the equivalent of everlasting sunshine… being conscious of My presence in every waking minute.

Interestingly, this still doesn’t have the appeal that it should for you, and for most Christians. There is some apprehension about such a condition of “goodness.” Wouldn’t it be restrictive to have Me actively present in your life each moment? You couldn’t say “Shit!” and you couldn’t be angry or frustrated. Sunshine is marvelous, but there is also some relief in a cloudy, rainy day. Well, when you break through such apprehension you know that while I am with you My desire is to have you live your life as you want to. I want you in relationship with Me, but I am not forcing you into some preconceived mold. Oh, I influence, but I respect your choices. The spiritual breakthrough is to truly understand and appreciate that life is truly fuller when I am your active partner.

This is as vivid to you now as the sun now breaking through, but you see that that sun shall soon be obscured again. And, likewise, when you complete this Teaching and be about your daily tasks spiritual “clouds” will appear to diminish the clarity of your walk with Me. So it is, now, with thee and Me.

Will there be such a breakthrough in your culture? Is it desirable for your culture to turn to Me, or would it mean, as most would fear, the giving up of much that you now value? What a breakthrough it would be if you could lead the move away from increasing armaments and toward more concern for the health of the earth and for the welfare of all the earth’s people. What a breakthrough it would be if your economy could be restructured and if more individual souls truly wanted to share wealth with others rather than spending it on ostentatious “things.”

SAT., JAN. 28, 1989, 6:45 AM

Just as a change, on an original Sabbath morn, I offer you a test of faith. You have three blank pages, with a title, about which you are apprehensive. You don’t know what this is about and have personal doubts that it can be a worthwhile Teaching. So you must trust that I am here… and can provide. Proceed, o son.

The sky is aflame, but it is not certain that the sun, as it appears to rise, will break through these clouds that herald a new day. Is the . . .

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