Breathing In Spirit

SUN., AUG. 26, 1990, 6:25 AM

As you tried to go into your meditative state you were aware of your breathing, which you know is one aspect of classic meditation. Well, on this Sunday morning before you see the sun hear what I, the Holy Spirit, have to say about breathing and about spirit. (And, yes, it is good that that “lost” volume of Teachings has returned. Now there are only a few specific ones missing.)

Spirit has been likened to breath, so let Me use that likeness. Breath is the first evidence of life. When a baby takes her first breath she shows that she is alive. In most deaths when breathing stops earth life is over. When breathing commences spirit becomes active in a body. When the last breath is exhaled spirit departs the no-longer-functional body for other realms. And… a major ploy in reviving one who is going toward death is to use some means to breath for him.

So, it is spirit that inspires the first breath, spirit that inhabits the body all during the breathing time, and spirit that moves on with the last breath. And yet, as I have told you many times, life is a continuous encounter between the spirit within each individual and spirit without. Your spirit, manifesting itself from “inside” of you, is an “outside” source of spirit for others. As you help lead the worship this morning your spirit can touch and enhance the spirits of those in the pews. Be aware of this. But don’t try… just be the spirit you are.

When you laugh there is a greater output of breath. See this as more of your spirit being shared. Then there must be a greater intake of breath. See this is taking in spirit from the amusing circumstance. When it is time to weep rather than laugh, again there is more inspiration and expiration of breath, and therefore more sharing of spirit.

As you look out at the majestic trees that surround this house you know that they too are breathing. Symbolically, that tree outside is a balance to you. It takes in carbon dioxide and gives off oxygen, which is the element that sustains your life. Your waste, in breath, then becomes the life for that tree. Spirit is to be shared, and spirit, among humans, works in this reciprocal way. As you relate with Lenore your spirit energizes her and hers comes forth for your benefit. As you and Terri shared a Teaching you could feel the interchange of spirit. And also with Henry.

You breathe in spirit from special, even sacred, places, such as Peter’s Park. Yet when the cross is not visible as it should be, there is diminished spirit in that place. Do what is necessary to fix that and restore the fullness of spirit there.

You hope that My Spirit will be with your family as they come together this day in this attempt at reunion. The gathering makes the exchange of spirit possible. I shall be there, enhancing spirit, as it is shared. Do what you can to see that Matthew is there for a brief time, at least.

You just took a breath and were aware of some obstruction in your nasal passage. Consequently, the breath was not a full one. This symbolizes the truth that you may have a spiritual obstruction, temporary or not so, that prevents you from taking in the spirit that others offer, that inheres in a place, or that is generated by a situation. Sometimes you can remove that blockage with deep breathing. At other times you must let your body do its slower work. Occasionally, some medication will help. This is all an analog to spirit.

SUN., AUG. 26, 1990, 6:25 AM

As you tried to go into your meditative state you were aware of your breathing, which you know is one aspect of classic meditation. Well, on this Sunday morning before you see the sun hear what I, the Holy Spirit, have to say about breathing and about spirit. (And, yes, it is good that that “lost” volume of Teachings has returned. Now there are only a few specific ones missing.)

Spirit has been likened to breath, so let Me use that likeness. Breath is the first evidence of life. When a . . .

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