
TUES., JUNE 28, 1983, 5:35 AM

At a time when it would be nice to be unpressured and relatively free of imperatives you find yourself, o son, in the midst of busyness. As you were seeking a theme your mind and spirit kept touching on more and more matters that need your attention. Some of these, of course, are responsibilities I have offered you, and I do want these fulfilled. Yet We must be aware of the point of no return… when more important matters to accomplish bring diminished results. You hadn’t realized you were to that point, but now you do. What do I recommend at a time of supreme busyness?

These Teachings are important. At this time, however, it shall be more vital to bring the disorganized ones together and get your Ruminations out. Oh, I shall call you now and again, and you shall feel the pull to hear from Me, but this meditation need not be regular during this upcoming month. This suggestion, however, does not negate the Truth that the time spent with Me is never wasted and actually makes other uses of time more productive. But there is no way out of your present dilemma other than hard work and efficient use of time. The time to relax is, instead, a time of supreme busyness.

The positive affirmation is that this time of busyness is a sign that you are still an active part of your world… that your strengths, abilities, and attention are needed by others and by this unique place that you live. Try to see each task as an opportunity, and give each the attention it deserves. Spend little time worrying about those matters that do not have your immediate attention. Just choose as wisely as you are able.

It is hard for you to consider that you should not just relax and enjoy these summer days and evenings. It is hard for Me to affirm that life should not slow down and be appreciated. So very probably you shall compromise, but hold on to the priorities I have given you, even as you must spread them out over a longer time period.

TUES., JUNE 28, 1983, 5:35 AM

At a time when it would be nice to be unpressured and relatively free of imperatives you find yourself, o son, in the midst of busyness. As you were seeking a theme your mind and spirit kept touching on more and more matters that need your attention. Some of these, of course, are responsibilities I have offered you, and I do want these fulfilled. Yet We must be aware of the point of no return… when more important matters to accomplish bring diminished results. You hadn’t realized you were to . . .

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