… But Life Is Good!

SAT., JUNE 16, 2001, 7:07 AM

Yes, o son, your life now has some bumps and ruts, BUT, overall, it still is good. Your life task now is to adapt to the changes and losses. Your life shall not… and never will… be as it was in your younger years. There will be more pains, of various kinds… and losses, which you shall not welcome. But you still have life, and I, your Friendly Holy Spirit, am still with you, helping you through this last portion of what has been a good life. I just don’t want you to “mess up” in this time of “old age.”

You have a fine place to live, with enough “work to do,” physically, to maintain good health. You are not being compulsive about tasks (and I don’t want you to be), but you do see places that need “neatening”… that wouldn’t get “messed up” again. You see “these” every day. So, say I, slowly but surely get to these, in some of your “spare time.”

In this room, of Ours, you did clean off the table, but now… look at this desk! I can’t tell you how to do it or how to keep it in order afterward, but I do know what you need and don’t need, and so I’ll continue to press you about this. I realize that you receive more “stuff,” in the mail and otherwise, than in earlier years… and that your capacities to decide what to keep and what to toss are diminishing… but I know that you agree that this condition has to be remedied. I can’t actually help, of course, but I can urge… even chide… you toward what We both want… and that only you can do.

You do realize (and I want you to) that you are “being given” the “gift” of – disability and death coming slowly.

Yes, you still have strength, mental functioning, and other capacities, even as you can sometimes be impressed with the losses, from earlier years (as it was in years past). You shall not live as long as your parents did, but also you shall “skip” those disabilities of true old age. As I see it… and I have many observations of human old age… it is a mixed blessing to live on into true old age… and sometimes more of a “curse.” So you see… on the one hand, two sons who left their earth lives “early,” but with few if any obvious “losses.” On the other your parents lived much longer, but with quite diminishing quality to their lives.

You are now at about the average length of lie (or time of death) for a male in your culture, at this time. I urge you to see this as quite a blessing. You generally saw yourself as “above average, but not outstanding.” I helped you see yourself thusly, and so I agree.

See the “application”: you are now “above average” in years of earth life, but are not likely to be “outstanding.” Accept this as a desirable consistency. Your life now should be an artful amalgam of activities that you still can manage, AND contemplation of how life has been AND how it is, now.

I’m pleased that you are active in this weekly Bible Study group, and I do want you to continue to seek My will and Way in these “official Scriptures.” But you also have over 20 years of My Teachings to you, many, of course, written when you were younger and “healthier.” Some, of course, are now in nicely printed form, a gift supreme rom son John Patrick, and therefore more convenient to read.

SAT., JUNE 16, 2001, 7:07 AM

Yes, o son, your life now has some bumps and ruts, BUT, overall, it still is good. Your life task now is to adapt to the changes and losses. Your life shall not… and never will… be as it was in your younger years. There will be more pains, of various kinds… and losses, which you shall not welcome. But you still have life, and I, your Friendly Holy Spirit, am still with you, helping you through this last portion of what has been a good life. I just don’t . . .

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