Cacophony Of Life

JULY 24, 1980, 5:42 AM

Yes, you were called, o son, to return to this time of teaching in the cool of the morning. You shall enjoy and profit from what I reveal to you this morning… though you have little idea of what it might be. The pen shall write, and you shall be the wiser.

Life in the earth is truly a cacophony of sound. That is the image I shall use and develop this day. The sounds are sweet, the sounds are sour… bitter… salty… tasteless, also. I hear prayers and curses intermingling. I hear sounds of reconciliation and sounds of discord. From some I hear no sounds at all. Dumbness is their response to life’s situation.

Is this the way I want it? you may ask. Yet you know the answer ere you even utter the query. I created the earth as a domain and a plane in which the wills and personalities of humans would vie with one another, as well as meld and cooperate. I created evil that there might be a challenge to the good. Cries of suffering bring forth the sounds of concern and compassion. Otherwise there would be little need for such lonely sounds.

I hear strident opposition to and denial of Me. You shall hear more of this as you begin to inquire about the spirit. I shall lead you into pits of rage and resentment and denial as well as meadows of joyous and sincere testimony. You shall not seek the unbelievers… yet you shall hear them as they are in the midst. Without these voices the others sound hollow and undistinguished.

Wouldn’t it be better to hear only harmonious, mellow, lovely sounds from the earth – choirs of angels singing only praises? Such is pleasant, and there are realms of pure pleasantness and harmony. The earth is not one, and though I sometimes grieve over this creation it also is exciting and unique. Things happen here that can happen nowhere else.

JULY 24, 1980, 5:42 AM

Yes, you were called, o son, to return to this time of teaching in the cool of the morning. You shall enjoy and profit from what I reveal to you this morning… though you have little idea of what it might be. The pen shall write, and you shall be the wiser.

Life in the earth is truly a cacophony of sound. That is the image I shall use and develop this day. The sounds are sweet, the sounds are sour… bitter… salty… tasteless, also. I hear prayers and curses intermingling . . .

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