Called And/Or Free?

WED., FEB. 1, 1995, 9:17 AM

Another good after breakfast discussion, which touched on the question of whether people are called to My service (with its “benefits”) or whether each is free to choose Me… or not. Let Me offer you another Teaching on this theme, so that you understand it better. You’re a bit slow, but coming to Me in this way is your best way to knowledge of the most worth.

You realized you had a special call to relationship with Me in, probably, 1959. That would mean you have known this about yourself and Me for, let’s say, 35 years. Was it predestined that you be called in this rather non-charismatic way? Or did I just spontaneously decide to call you? It is right that you believe that this was an important part of your destiny, as Bob Russell, as well as part of a longer destiny as the soul who has had many name designations. This experience changed your perceptions of Me and brought you into a closer relationship. However, you did not yet apply this knowledge to your every day life.

You realized the freedom that came with this election. You are free to be My servant, and your actions will mostly be those characteristic of Me, as Jesus. I am aware of your thoughts and actions, and they are not all “saint-like,” but your continuing and continued closeness to Me is not affected, as long as your hand is in Mine. You are not like a yoyo, being flung away and coming back repeatedly. My Spirit directs yours, and the result is generally as I want it to be.

Your coming here, nearly 30 years ago, was something I wanted, and I helped arrange it. You were aware of this, but your realization of why this way My Will has been slow developing. So I wanted you to have this knowledge in a clearer way. So I came to you in May of 1979, and you responded as I knew you would. You could have refused My call or you could have stopped writing in this way shortly after you began. You didn’t. Were you compelled or was it a free choice?

Both. My Will was pressing on you, but you also were free in Me. If you would have refused or quit you would have lost some of your freedom. Ironically, then, if you had done what your secular culture calls the “free choice” you would have been less free, as a total person. As long as you feel compelled to come for these Teachings you remain in the freest state possible. You are experiencing a freedom-enhancing bondage.

Is every human called, by Me, in ways similar to your experience. No. Election is a very diverse state, but not everyone is called. Many humans have the natural freedom to develop as they wish. Some come to Me, in very diverse ways, and I accept such in ways similar to what those whom I call experience.

You have sons, daughters-in-law, and grand-children. These are special to you, but they are not as close to you, spiritually, as some of your students, former students, and colleagues. Some of these have come voluntarily and freely to relationship with you. Others were called by Me to be with you. Does it matter to you which “category” any individual belongs in. It shouldn’t. It doesn’t.

WED., FEB. 1, 1995, 9:17 AM

Another good after breakfast discussion, which touched on the question of whether people are called to My service (with its “benefits”) or whether each is free to choose Me… or not. Let Me offer you another Teaching on this theme, so that you understand it better. You’re a bit slow, but coming to Me in this way is your best way to knowledge of the most worth.

You realized you had a special call to relationship with Me in, probably, 1959. That would mean you have known this about . . .

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