Called… To A Task… Or To Be?

SAT., JUNE 25, 1994, 3:40 PM

This past week has been evidence that you have been called by Me… but for what? Last month you had a successful workshop on Human/Spiritual Interacting, and this week has been one of interacting in that same framework. In between was the Hawaii trip, with less overt spiritual interchanges, but, still, enough to be only a minor contrast.

You know clearly that I have called you, but your task is not as clear-cut as was that of Moses. He was called to lead his people out of their slavery in Egypt, and he didn’t feel equal to that task. If you were being called to lead a movement, rather than just be a part of it, you would feel uneasy, and inadequate too. (The task of heading this sub-committee even has some of this “Why me?” feeling.)

But you are more comfortable being called just “to be.” I am calling Andy for some tasks but also just to be part of this “movement,” with you. She needs more assurance that this is what she should be doing, so I suggested that she come down and visit you. Your calling in this was not so much to accomplish a task as to just be who you are, as a servant of Mine, a health education professional, and one who can speak easily of spirit as a dimension of health. You went beyond this a bit in arranging for you both to talk with Mike, Mark, and Kathy. She could identify with these, and they were mainly just “being” with her. I gave her several teachings while she was here, and she should now feel more at ease in writing as she hears Me. Her reading of Mine to you helped with this need.

You do have tasks to accomplish, even as this is a relative resting period. The Newsletter must be written, and some of that “news” must be gathered. You promised the interview with Judy in this issue, but that is an extra task, if done as you desire. You have started the Ruminations, more than a week ago now, in Hawaii, but it remains as a major task that I lay upon you. You can see that your time to be loafing and resting is now over. And, o yes, the notes of thanks in relation to your visiting are important. The first one has been mailed. The list lies before you.

If you had a choice you think you would prefer a calling just to be. As I came into the earth as Jesus I had opportunities to preach and to teach, and to heal, occasionally. Yet much that is in the Gospels about Me is really more a story of My “being” here in the earth. I was called to die for all of humanity, but that was more a matter of being in that situation rather than performing a task. When I returned in My spiritual body to verify My resurrection I just was, rather than having specific tasks to accomplish.

The two Scripture passages for tomorrow, when the youth tell of the experiences at Montreat, show forth the contrast… or, better, the complementarity of these two types of calls. Moses was called for a tough, long-lasting task, but he couldn’t have accomplished this if he weren’t also just “being” My called servant. In the short version of the Pentecost story I am coming as wind and fire to give the disciples the strength to be… the beginning church, which then developed from their commencement. Later Paul was called for the tasks of founding churches, and, in that process, writing letters that were destined to become Holy Scripture.

SAT., JUNE 25, 1994, 3:40 PM

This past week has been evidence that you have been called by Me… but for what? Last month you had a successful workshop on Human/Spiritual Interacting, and this week has been one of interacting in that same framework. In between was the Hawaii trip, with less overt spiritual interchanges, but, still, enough to be only a minor contrast.

You know clearly that I have called you, but your task is not as clear-cut as was that of Moses. He was called to lead his people out of their slavery . . .

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