Can I Be Limited?

SAT., APR. 19, 1997, 7:16 AM

I come to you as Holy Spirit, He (and She) Who is an aspect of the One True God. I am the only God there is, coming in different ways to different people. I love diversity, and I have created in diverse ways. And the answer to My titular question is, “No, of course not.”

Now I realize, of course, that this characteristic of Mine makes it difficult, if not impossible, to establish Truth that is quite evident to everyone. In this earth scene of Mine, truth challenges truth, and this comes out to be Truth.

Last evening a television program told of a woman who is in contact with people who have passed on over into spirit realms… or, as is more often said here… who have died. You recognized that this is a woman who has a special gift, more dramatic than yours, but similar. She can report on the spirits of some who have departed their bodies, but are willing to communicate back to loved ones on earth. It is somewhat strange that, in a culture that has so much electronic equipment and so many ways to communicate with and through such, there is skepticism about such a personal capacity.

But you know there is disbelief, some of it angry, which usually represents fear… of something they cannot and will not consider as real. Is this what I want in this earth realm of Mine? Well, the balance is about right, from My perspective. Diversity helps in the unique spiritual growth that can occur in this realm, and that means there will be some conflict. Freedom does not always result in blessed behavior.

I come to you in a somewhat ritualistic way, and you write what you “hear”. What you write says that you are hearing the Holy Spirit of the One God, teaching you, that you might be better in teaching others. You are not special, and yet, with this gift, you are. It is quite unlikely that you will ever be on national television, with people seeking what I have given you. But, yes, I have given gifts like that portrayed last evening. Are there some frauds? Naturally. Attribute that to My sense of fun rather than to the power of evil. I still am in complete control of planet Earth.

The other, quite incredible, television image you watched was that of the Hajj, that most sacred ritual of those who call themselves Moslems, subject to Me, as the One God, Allah. Is this a competing religion, with Christianity? Of course. I came to Mohammed in a dramatic way, but not as dramatic as coming to earth as Jesus, the Christ. I came, originally, to the people I had rejected, spiritual descendants of Abraham’s son, Ishmael. (Then, later, My chosen people, the Jews, who came through Isaac and then Jacob, rejected Me, as Jesus, but have remained somewhat faithful to their heritage.)

This religion, Islam, as pictured and as you know it, has little appeal to you. But then you also have to admit that the Orthodox Christian faith and practice, so right for your son, Michael, and his family, has about the same little appeal. And part of that comes from their skepticism about this that We do together… a form of limitation of Me, as Holy Spirit.

There is some attractiveness in a religion that appeals to people from many cultures, with the complete span of racial groups. Yet you can’t picture yourself, robed in white cotton cloth, moving, in a great crowd, around some monumental form in the midst of a mosque. You have a comfortable place to worship, in a way that is familiar and… comfortable.

In your life, in total, you have enjoyed your work and have sought no other… you have not wanted nor considered another life partner… you have what you consider an ideal place to live. This relationship with Me and that with your church and congregation conflict somewhat, but you’ve accepted the compromise.

SAT., APR. 19, 1997, 7:16 AM

I come to you as Holy Spirit, He (and She) Who is an aspect of the One True God. I am the only God there is, coming in different ways to different people. I love diversity, and I have created in diverse ways. And the answer to My titular question is, “No, of course not.”

Now I realize, of course, that this characteristic of Mine makes it difficult, if not impossible, to establish Truth that is quite evident to everyone. In this earth scene of Mine, truth challenges truth, and this . . .

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