Can There Be Harmony?

SUN., AUG. 16, 1987, 5:57 AM

This is the day designated by some as the first day of harmonic convergence. There is no clear Christian prophesy of such a day, commencing such an era except that of the Second Coming of Me as the Christ. Why, then, do I awaken you at this early time and offer you this questioning title. You are here. You shall find out.

The spirit that is the vital portion of nearly all humans is always seeking harmony. The fundamental convergence is a convergence with Me, and I am not orchestrating such a coming together on this day more than on any other. So, I am not responsible for any major shift that has its base in Christianity.

And yet I do work in many ways in the earth, and I have given insights to highly developed spirits in other times and traditions. I am the Holy Spirit, an aspect of the Triune God of Christianity, but My actions are not circumscribed by the few references to Me in the Holy Scriptures. I have great influence in the earth, and if this is a day of symbolic harmonic convergence then I certainly am a part of it… even as it is not of My initiative.

As I said, the spirit in each that comes from Me is open to and seeks harmony. Though there are arenas of obvious competition and conflict, there is much harmony in the earth. It would seem to be ideal if these various spirits of harmony would converge and bring an overall harmony… now wouldn’t it? Yet your culture and your religion would surely want that harmony only on “your terms.” You would be reluctant to be harmonious in ways that seemed to submerge your “destiny.” This is spirit that works against harmony, for high and lofty reasons.

You read of the acceptance of Indian ways as part of a Catholic tradition. Yet probably most Catholics, in the pews, would be quite uncomfortable with such an attempt at harmony… as would Presbyterians. Many who seek harmony seek it on their own terms, which is as likely to be divisive as it is harmonious. The earth is a place of many cultures and religions. As anyone tries to bring these together… someone other than I… that effort usually only creates another competitor, and the conflict continues.

I do push for harmony more than for conflict, but you know well what My fundamental purpose is – the growth of individual spirits so that they finally converge back with Me. And still I remain the Creator, sending forth new spirits that must grow anew amidst the turmoils of earth life. I could create spirits with more initial maturity and more drive toward harmony. That would be akin to having a baby born… as a teenager, a young adult, even as a senior citizen. That would seem strange, now wouldn’t it? The developmental processes for humans is a rough analog for spiritual development. The main difference is that some humans have spirits that are well developed, while other are quite immature. There is harmony only in a very theoretical sense.

Yes, there can be harmony, and I like the symbol of this as a day of convergence. Your church takes a step toward more harmony this very day, though it is only part of a longer process, which shall not be one of complete harmony. And when your “permanent” leader is chosen will harmony reign? For a time, and then contentions and dissatisfactions will surface. This time of disharmony has been good for this congregation. Duane could not achieve harmony in his own life without fostering disharmony in the congregation. And so goes the complementary workings in which spirit develops.

SUN., AUG. 16, 1987, 5:57 AM

This is the day designated by some as the first day of harmonic convergence. There is no clear Christian prophesy of such a day, commencing such an era except that of the Second Coming of Me as the Christ. Why, then, do I awaken you at this early time and offer you this questioning title. You are here. You shall find out.

The spirit that is the vital portion of nearly all humans is always seeking harmony. The fundamental convergence is a convergence with Me, and I am not orchestrating such . . .

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