Can You “Take Your Life”?

SUN., OCT. 27, 1996, 6:40 AM (CST)

The secular culture of which you’re a part holds that suicide, or even euthanasia, is wrong, even illegal. Today you may be part of a discussion of such acts, but, presumably, in Christian perspective. What I shall share with you this morning will not be considered “Christian” by some, even as I speak as Holy Spirit of the Lord God. But I do want to reinforce the truths I want you to have, at least personally, about life and death. Remember that I am responsible for… and not bothered by… diversity in thinking, even about such topics.

First, it is possible to have just one life. That is, it can happen that a new soul is created, out of Me (where else would souls come from?), is in a physical body in the earth for one lifetime, is born again and completely accepts Me as Lord of life and all that is. Death comes, and this soul, who has matured quickly and thoroughly, willingly merges back into Me. The earth life may have been long, but the spiritual life was relatively short.

This can happen, and does occasionally. When a soul is born into just the right circumstances, with very little challenge to the full acceptance of Me and the spiritual aspects of life, one lifetime can be enough. This can occur, but it isn’t normative. (And I almost see it as a “mistake”, for I prefer some amount of struggle, some loss to the material scene and then a recovery and growth back to Me, even giving up something good for something better.

The normative Christian view of suicide is that it is a selfish act that goes against My Will… It can be such, I do consider the motives (often quite mixed), and sometimes the balance is toward the selfish, cowardly end. Yet more often I see the balance of motives… especially in the elderly and in the terminally ill… more toward My motives as Jesus. Greater love has no man than this, that he give up his life for his friends… and… he who would save his life would lose it, and he who would lose his life, for My sake, will save it.

Remember this… every human life will end… it’s just a matter of when and how. In an elderly and diseased state it often is not a blessing for bodily life to continue. In your culture bodily life is often idolized, as if it were ultimate reality (which I guess it is, in secular, humanistic thinking). From My perspective this is quite silly, of course. The panorama of surgical procedures, radiation, chemotherapy and other invasive medical procedures, in those who have lived a good life (somewhat close to 3 score and 10) is mostly a waste of resources, but more importantly, often retards and even reverse spiritual growth back toward Me.

Some folks can “take their life” in the sense that they come on over but prefer to remain spiritually asleep. Eventually such souls revive and continue on the journey back to or away from Me. Most whose bodies die from a self-administered cause, sometimes assisted, are conscious and quite willing to review their life events, see a longer scope of life experiences, and are welcomed back to full spiritual life.

Death comes when the body can no longer adapt to whatever threat or threats it must face. In most of the world there is not much that is done to prolong life when death threatens. In your culture, this can happen, with those who are poor or who reject medically interventions, but life-saving means can be delayed or just not applied. Or death-postponing technology can be removed, or extra sedatives can be administered. Or a person ready for transport to a spirit realm may be assisted in that journey, or may accomplish it alone. Many of these come on over with great relief, and often with thankfulness that they no longer are a burden to those who have cared for them. And a few are greeted here by many more than were with them at the end of earth life… with joy.

SUN., OCT. 27, 1996, 6:40 AM (CST)

The secular culture of which you’re a part holds that suicide, or even euthanasia, is wrong, even illegal. Today you may be part of a discussion of such acts, but, presumably, in Christian perspective. What I shall share with you this morning will not be considered “Christian” by some, even as I speak as Holy Spirit of the Lord God. But I do want to reinforce the truths I want you to have, at least personally, about life and death. Remember that I am responsible for… and not bothered . . .

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