
MON., APR. 10, 1989, 6:40 AM

A good man died of cancer this past week, and you, and many others, went to the visitation yesterday. There was no talk of cancer that you heard. Should there have been some? How do I, the Holy Spirit of the Lord God, see cancer, which is responsible for so many deaths, many quite painful. You shall hear, o son.

I did not purposely and specifically, as the Creator, design cancer cells. Yet I cannot deny that I knew they would develop in a few persons, out of the interactions of life. You see, it was and is important that any earth life be limited in length, in earth time. Just as a class period… and a semester… are limits to the collegiate learning process in any subject, so there must be a limit to the earth life experience. An earth life is a learning experience for the eternal spirit, and not having death end it would be like taking a single course, day after day, for the four year college experience. There could be some merit to it, but no one does it… and it even isn’t possible to do.

Cancer cells are cells of your own body that can start to grow, due to some stimulus and response, and finally take over some vital bodily function. You have such cells, and so does virtually every one else. (One of the fun aspects of creation was developing a process that produced humans sufficiently alike to be recognized as humans, yet which were uniquely different in some ways, each from the other. The presence and development of cancer cells is one of those almost countless variations.) In a few humans these cells develop early in life and, despite treatment, bring an early end to that life. In many, the cancer cells, though present, do not develop before some other malady, malfunction, or mishap causes death. For an increasing number, despite modern treatments, this condition of growing cells shall be the cause of death. And thus it was for this good man.

I do not cause cancer, but I allow it to develop out of the complex process I designed. I do not cause pain, but I allow it for the same reason. In some instances I do act to prevent or to heal the cancerous condition, but this is for reasons beyond the prolongation of life. Preventions, as you know, are quite difficult to recognize and follow up, but if you followed up healings you would find that each one healed finally dies, and sometimes in a state “worse than the first.” My design is that no one lives forever in the earth, and even many of those who live long lives find it hard to appreciate the last years.

The human body is designed to wear out after three score and ten years, on the average. (My interest in numbers and statistics is even less than yours!) As you often point out… and I identify it here as a truth, the very technology and institutions, and the culture that has produced these, has developed both the successful treatments and the irritants that cause the condition to increase. The balance is about as it should be, with just slightly too much earth life of the human variety at present.

There may be cures for cancer that develop out of human intelligence and creativity. Or they may be forms of cancer that develop anew that defy the cures. I do not control this, even as I see relationships beyond what any humans can see and which I do not communicate. I am not proud of cancer, but I hold to My basic design of a limited earth life for each soul, and thus there must be ways for death to come. Cancer is a way.

Cancer also calls forth service from some to those suffering. Compassion and compassion-inspired service are human responses that I appreciate and encourage, and cancer is an effective means to this end. Without diseases and injuries and the suffering from these there would be no need for compassion and the giving of self to the needs of the one or ones suffering. I considered such a state, and there are some realms like this, but rejected it as a condition for earth life.

MON., APR. 10, 1989, 6:40 AM

A good man died of cancer this past week, and you, and many others, went to the visitation yesterday. There was no talk of cancer that you heard. Should there have been some? How do I, the Holy Spirit of the Lord God, see cancer, which is responsible for so many deaths, many quite painful. You shall hear, o son.

I did not purposely and specifically, as the Creator, design cancer cells. Yet I cannot deny that I knew they would develop in a few persons, out of the interactions of . . .

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