Cancer And Life

FRI., NOV. 13, 1992, 7:40 AM

It is important, o son, that you write to Chris, with both your thoughts about cancer and her life and Mine. This is a difficult time for her, but it also should be a time of greater, clearer appreciation of her earth life. So many people who develop cancer truly waste the opportunity it offers to be aware of and appreciate so much more of life. While medical treatment abets this loss of opportunity there is not necessary correlation. That is, one can participate in medical treatment… or non-medical treatment… and not succumb to the temptation to focus too fully upon self.

Hear an important example: as Jesus I was crucified… nailed to a cross and hung until bodily strength failed. It was a slow and painful death, which made it difficult to do more than think about Myself. The Scriptural record is not complete, by any means, but what was remembered and finally written was pretty well balanced… as is what you remember of those four renditions.

One story is that I was crucified between two thieves, and I showed concern for the one who recognized who I was and that I did not deserve his fate. He asked for forgiveness, and I assured him that he would be with Me that very day in Paradise. That concern eased the pain that was otherwise everpresent. I spoke to John and requested that he take care of My Mother, and that she accept his care. That also was a pain reliever. I earnestly prayed to Me, as Father, to forgive those who were causing My earthly death, for “they know not what they do.” Again, My concern for the welfare of those who did their “dirty jobs” and even for those who observed and mocked was a concern beyond Myself.

I refused a drink from a sponge, even as its sourness would have tasted good, for I looked beyond those moments to reunion with the Father. But I did cry out, for as a human I was feeling pain that I had never experienced before… I cried out “Eloe, Eloe, lama sabacthani” – “Father, why have you forsaken Me?” That imperfection was necessary, for I was still in human bodily form, and that body was painfully dying. I focused on Myself, as Chris and every other person with cancer is tempted and urged to do. Then I gave up My Spirit, not desiring to prolong earth life any longer. But this Spirit is back in the earth again, without body, and I, Who Am that Spirit, am with you, even now.

Cancer is a part of the human life panorama. It is most evident when people’s lives are lived long rather than short… and in cultures infused with many chemical substances, not part of My original created earth. In general, human adaptation to these threats is quite astounding, but some do succumb. These latter are not chosen to suffer and die, often, of this affliction, but it is just the inability of certain bodies to adapt to the irritations that are so prevalent. There are weaknesses as well as strengths in individual human bodies, but these are not necessarily related to spiritual strength or weakness.

Some with strong spirits still die from the effects of cancer, but their lives are prolonged in a state of richness that is quite amazing. And I often see this in contrast with those whose bodies remain healthy, despite shallow spirits and degrading health-related behaviors. I then regret, somewhat, allowing life to be “unfair.”

FRI., NOV. 13, 1992, 7:40 AM

It is important, o son, that you write to Chris, with both your thoughts about cancer and her life and Mine. This is a difficult time for her, but it also should be a time of greater, clearer appreciation of her earth life. So many people who develop cancer truly waste the opportunity it offers to be aware of and appreciate so much more of life. While medical treatment abets this loss of opportunity there is not necessary correlation. That is, one can participate in medical treatment… or non-medical treatment . . .

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