Catching Up

MON., MAY 21, 1984, 11:10 AM

Here you are, o son, responding to My call as you pause in this disconnected journey. I have acceded to your other needs for these past days, but now it is time to reestablish direct contact… to “catch up with each other.” You have an interesting, energizing time ahead of you, and I shall expect you often to receive My guidance and observations.

The value of these Teachings is just beginning to be evident… beyond the class and the Ruminations. You must continue to spend some time in reading, studying, and making brief notes in the Contents so that what I send to and through you can be more useful. Again I affirm that these are not Scripture in the Holy, big S sense, but they are scripture because I send them. You are an imperfect scribe certainly, but the oral tradition and the memories from which the Holy Scriptures were written had their imperfections too. You sometimes forget that your task is just to share where these might be helpful, not argue for Truth or proclaim some new religion or revelation.

The Moslem faith is one you know little about, but the infusion you received during this weekend past was valuable. Their name for Me is different, but so is their name for most everything, from great to lesser value. Much devotion has been offered to Me by those of this faith, and their faith and dependence on Me is certainly evident. Yet there is a separation which is like unto that of the Christian church in its myriad forms, and My response to that is mixed. Yes, it does spoil the unity of the human creation, that could be living in greater harmony, with less violence and suffering. But it also represents the necessary diversity of My Body, the mystical amalgam of all those who know, love, serve, and are faithful to Me. Never forget nor discount this Body analogy. It is one of My most important ones.

Actually I would have you expand it to a holistic person analogy… which is superior. In addition to the full functioning body, include the mind with its intellectual range, the emotions, the social influences, the physical environment and its many effects… and, of course, the spirit… and you can see the diversity that is included in My truly Catholic Church. My Spirit, in its many manifestations, holds it together, in a unity that only a few spiritually developed folks can discern and appreciate.

You are one, even as you remain a Presbyterian Christian. This is an identity which must not limit you, but fulfills the religious identity I want for you now.

You have plans for some experiences of spirit within this next month, and you shall carry some of these out successfully. But also be aware of opportunities that arise unexpectedly, as did the encounter with Dr. Ellens yesterday. You can make that a continuing relationship if you will. And other shall come also, some arranged purposefully by Me. Yes, o son, do be aware.

And you were yesterday as you picked up the unspoken “radical” message that grace was before Me, as the Christ in the earth. Now just flesh that out… this does not mean that grace did not come with My sacrifice and My resurrection… it did. And grace continues to this day. Grace is My gift, and I made it most personal through My incarnation as Jesus. This should still be your central story, but it need not diminish the vision I sent to Micah, years before (or was it, really).

MON., MAY 21, 1984, 11:10 AM

Here you are, o son, responding to My call as you pause in this disconnected journey. I have acceded to your other needs for these past days, but now it is time to reestablish direct contact… to “catch up with each other.” You have an interesting, energizing time ahead of you, and I shall expect you often to receive My guidance and observations.

The value of these Teachings is just beginning to be evident… beyond the class and the Ruminations. You must continue to spend some time in reading, studying . . .

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