Catching Up

SUN., NOV. 10, 1985, 5:12 AM

The title came to you very quickly in this early morning darkness. You have been away from these meditations for a considerable time, and you have felt the loss. The Ruminations has been completed as you ideally envisioned, which shows you clearly that you can do four letters a year without great trauma, perhaps even this next year. You know that some will disapprove of what this issue tells, but you must also anticipate that some, whom you would not expect, shall be enlightened by these golden pages. You have done this work well. Send it forth with a happy spirit. What else have I to tell you on a warm, windy morning?

You have not yet decided about the convention. As you know, the choices are nicely balanced, and, fortunately, either one will be satisfying… and I approve of both. I shall help you decide, but the help will be subtle. Just be aware. By this time you are rather comfortable with My influence in your life. It shall not become excessive nor clearly dominant, but do not doubt that I am involved in each and every activity of your life. You can always acknowledge this in retrospect, but you still are not very good at recognizing My presence during the process. This is appropriate to your spiritual maturity, but I urge you to be more aware, for with such you grow in relationship to Me. There is no turning back from the course you are on now. Perception of life with Me as the dominant factor… and the everpresent one… can do nothing but grow, if you continue to be willing.

The gathering last evening was small, but the subject was of small importance in your growing knowledge of My ways. You were aware of My dominant teaching as the presentation progressed. I am within, but also without… there is no “place” that I am not. The Quakers were, and are, a group that emphasize My presence as an inner light, in order to complement the strong teaching that I was (and am) wholly other. Just know that I come to your spirit in order to influence it. Yet I, as a part of your spirit respond to My intrusion from without. I eternally and continuously am meeting Myself, in lives and in situations. When anyone comes to truly appreciate this relationship, then the reason for remaining a separate individual diminishes, and finally disappears.

Yes, the turnout of church members was slim by any standards, but know that one of your roles in this congregation, and in your walk with Me, is to be present and participate in as many church activities as possible. You should become an active Elder again, and one of your tasks shall be to give leadership by being actively present as often as possible at as many functions as possible. (Yes, the Wednesdays of this next year seem to be lost, but do what you can to compensate. Know that I shall help.)

SUN., NOV. 10, 1985, 5:12 AM

The title came to you very quickly in this early morning darkness. You have been away from these meditations for a considerable time, and you have felt the loss. The Ruminations has been completed as you ideally envisioned, which shows you clearly that you can do four letters a year without great trauma, perhaps even this next year. You know that some will disapprove of what this issue tells, but you must also anticipate that some, whom you would not expect, shall be enlightened by these golden pages. You have done . . .

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