Celebrate Life!

THURS., FEB. 17, 1994, 3:56 AM

Celebrate life? Why a celebration in the midst of pain that is hard to bear? What does it mean – celebrate life? In the very early morning, with a leg that aches in every position, hear Me, o son, for I, the Holy Spirit of the Lord God, am here with you. Did you expect other?

Yes, I come to you with Teachings of Truth, and observations of the earth and its peoples, and some disclosures about the active spirit world, of which you are barely aware. Some of what I say to you is ancient Truth. Conversely, some are interpretations of truth in present-day settings and situations. And much of this is relative to time and place. I, of course, like this diversity of truth, and I have to smile at some folks, particularly Christians, who seem to want to hear of absolute truth. Relative truth seems cheap and even tawdry in the presence of eternal truths.

So what kind of a truth is “Celebrate Life”? In one sense it is an absolute truth, for life is a gift, and it should be accepted repeatedly as a supreme gift. It is to be celebrated, and as you come to more understanding and appreciation of life, well… celebration is the most natural of responses to this Gift.

In another sense life has its ups and downs, and any honest person enjoys the ups much more than the downs. While you shall try to celebrate life while this leg aches, you have to admit that it seems silly to pretend that this wakefulness and inability to find a comfortable place is a special kind of spiritual experience. Some events and circumstances in life can be easily and natural celebrated. Others, like this increasing pain, can be fully appreciated only by the very enlightened… of which you are “not yet”.

Another difference: Celebrate Life may means appreciate this earth life, for it is your reality for a relatively short time… or it could mean that you should celebrate all of life, realms in which you have functioned and have not remembered, as well as realms of which you shall be a part when earth life is over.

Celebrations of life can be quiet and personal… or may be more overt and shared with others. They can be momentary, as well as prolonged. Hopefully some of such Celebrations can be unconscious. This means that your spirit is able to overcome the power of the rational mind… the power to keep you thinking that many situations, including pain, are certainly not to celebrate… and are to be altered as quickly and expeditiously as possible. So your spirit, with much more appreciation of the values of dysfunction … more than your mind can admit… is celebrating, while you are not conscious of such response.

A proper Celebration of Life always acknowledges Me as your everpresent and overabundant Source of strength… and weakness. (Remember that I don’t “work” just in pleasant situations or in ones with only solid Christian participants. I am everpresent and ever mindful of your needs and the needs of many others.

A Celebration of Life accepts that I shall control some aspects of life and leave others to you. It acknowledges that I can cause miracles to happen at any time, but these are in My control, rather than in yours… and “big ones” are infrequent. If I rescued everyone who prayed to Me for help, as well as those seeking help for others, the balance of human life with other life forms would be terribly skewed.

THURS., FEB. 17, 1994, 3:56 AM

Celebrate life? Why a celebration in the midst of pain that is hard to bear? What does it mean – celebrate life? In the very early morning, with a leg that aches in every position, hear Me, o son, for I, the Holy Spirit of the Lord God, am here with you. Did you expect other?

Yes, I come to you with Teachings of Truth, and observations of the earth and its peoples, and some disclosures about the active spirit world, of which you are barely aware. Some of what I say . . .

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