Change Of Scene


Jointly, o son, we developed a theme for this afternoon meditation. It truly is a change of scene, different time, different state, different place of writing. And still you feel the pull, and set the familiar stage in this different place, and feel the words that represent My Sprit flow forth. I am ready when you are. Don’t try to assess how I do it. Just accept what happens and profit from the results.

A change of scene is good for the spirit. It can represent a time of spiritual testing and, perhaps, of spiritual growth. As you think back across this nearly-a-year of relationship you realize that many of the most useful messages have come when you are in a change of scene. So, and you did hear it in your spirit, from now on put the date and time in the upper left corner and the city and place in the upper right. Then you shall have a better record of where as well as when you wrote what you did… of what I gave you. Consider what you have after only one year. What could it be in ten years… or twenty? Don’t worry about it. Just follow My leading, and the way will be shown.

A change of scene is often affected in a hectic fashion. That was not so this time. You have had time to talk, to do some preparation, to lie in the sun, and to consider life from times past until now. All of your thoughts were not spiritual thoughts… but also consider that all thoughts of one who is in My Spirit have spiritual power. So don’t try to make your thoughts more spiritual; just be aware of and appreciate the spiritual qualities within them, whatever they may be.

Even familiar, repeated thoughts can have new meaning in a change of scene. Look for such possibilities. Newness can beget newness. It may not be logical, but try it out. You’ll find it true, at least some of the time.

A change of scene can produce many changes in you, and some of these may make you more open to teachings that you might not appreciate in the home place. So follow My leading when you are in a change of scene, and hear My voice in each new place. Don’t be neurotic about it, but just know that the teachings may be “extra good”.

You have given some consideration to a “posture” for this class that starts tomorrow. Do follow the inclination to make it as personal and as “homey” as possible. There can still be a rigorous academic quality, but there can also be feelings of love, of relationship, of identification. Take the risk of making it more this way than any other. Balance is still necessary, but gently move the rhythm toward a more human/spiritual approach. You should be pleased with the results.

Now that you are away from home you can give some different thoughts to where home shall be in the future. It cannot be resolved easily. I can give you no easy answer. Where you live is not important to Me. It is how you live wherever you are that is an important factor. I liked the way you lived on the Farm, even though I think that could be improved. Yet there are some aspects of your life in town that also are pleasing to Me. To know that I do not have a preference doesn’t help your decision-making much… except to know that no decision about where will displease Me. But be aware of your attitudes and behaviors, whether the scene is changed or not.

You think ahead and you foresee many changes of scene in the next two months. Some will be revisitations and some will be new scenes. Each has the potential of evoking a unique meditation and some valuable knowledge. Arrange your time to include Me, whenever possible. And ALSO be aware of opportunities to share some of these teachings with those you encounter or purposely visit. As you arrange your visits use this as a criterion. You have come to accept the fact that all of your plans for sharing do not “pan out”. Be ready. Know that I often feel the same. All of the situations for decision do not favor Me (unless, of course, I really purpose a decision). But be not discouraged. Be ever ready. And some of the responses will surprise you greatly.

Look again at your proposed itinerary. Write notes. Set priorities. Know that a change of scene can be a special time for you… and for Us.

Be My servant in the special way I guide you. Don’t defend what We do together. Just share it and let its value work when, and where, and how it will.

3:55 PM