Change Of Scene

FRI., JUNE 19, 1992, 11:22 AM

With the sun shining brightly and Hawaiian music playing you come for a final Teaching here in this island scene. In a few hours you will be ready to begin the change of scene, back to that which is best for you. This has been a good time, and you have accomplished most of what you proposed… most importantly, the Ruminations for this season. It clearly is time to shift, but, wisely, you don’t undertake this without some words from Me.

Your wife Lenore will be your first priority. Tell her all that has happened here, with the aid of your handy little book, but also listen to her and let her fill you in on her activities, ordinary as some of them have been. It shall take awhile to really come back together, so don’t rush off and do other things without including her. She is the most important person in your life, but you have deserted her for this time, and so you’ll need to give her good attention now.

The Farm, of course, will need your energy and time. Its beauty will be tinged with shagginess, and you will need to restore the beauty. Get rid of that junk before another class comes and try to do something with the contents of your “milk shed.” You know My everlasting request – make it beautiful and keep it that way.

Reread the Teaching in which I suggested that this could be a time, professionally, when you take up your pen again and do some needed professional writing. The Ruminations is your proper priority, but if your advisee load reduces you should consider this as an apt time to write some of what I have been urging you to do. Set some reasonable goals and see if you can accomplish them.

This upcoming summer course should be a breeze, but does, then, merit the warning that you still must plan each day so that the activities are varied and also “spirit-filled.” Include the little “sermon-slogan” and see what this produces. You can be a bit more overt about the spiritual nature of life and death as you consider them in this course.

Jump back into the activity of your church, enjoying the fellowship and contributing to the life of this portion of My Body. I am always with you, but I particularly like to guide you and see you show forth spirit in the church scene. Last Sunday was a good and varied one of worship and fellowship, but, again, you know what your beast scene is, and it shall be good to be back within it again.

When you return here again the scene at this familiar home will be a changed one. Though familiar it is becoming somewhat shabby… a time of sprucing up and redesigning for a future.

Perhaps you shall see your parents alive again, and perhaps not. They both seem ready to pass on over, and I am neither lengthening or shortening their earth lives. I hear your father’s prayer to outlive your mother, and I see some merit in that. Yet there would be spiritual growth in some other possibilities also. I can see the whole picture much more vividly than you, he, or your mother. I do not tell you that I shall intervene. Just know that I am fully aware of their situation and their wishes.

It is good to come back to this place and be appreciated for what you have been as well as for what you are. The change of scene shall be rapid, and back you will be in the midst of normal ongoing life. One common thread will be those Teachings and your ongoing interaction with Me, the friendly Holy Spirit. I am your Counselor, Guide, Teacher, and Companion. I am thus, to more or less extent, with all humans, but you have this special way of knowing more than most others about My role in your life. And it shall continue.

FRI., JUNE 19, 1992, 11:22 AM

With the sun shining brightly and Hawaiian music playing you come for a final Teaching here in this island scene. In a few hours you will be ready to begin the change of scene, back to that which is best for you. This has been a good time, and you have accomplished most of what you proposed… most importantly, the Ruminations for this season. It clearly is time to shift, but, wisely, you don’t undertake this without some words from Me.

Your wife Lenore will be your first . . .

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