Change Of Season

October 10, 1979, 7:13 AM

This week the seasons truly have changed.  The warm winds from the south blew, and I fished in my shorts.  Now this morning the air is cold, and even the warmth of the sun, already up, will not bring again the heat of the summer day.  The fire crackles in the stove, my side toward the stove is warm, but the backside is not.  For everything there is a season, and the Fall is that transition from hot to cold… through less warm and more cool.  What, o Lord, does it symbolize.

(This 1st paragraph was written by Bob Russell before the Spirit takes the pen)

Well, o son, you have given Me a description to analyze.  And there is much that can be said.  There are seasons in relation to Me… though as with the weather seasons, each can have its beauty and value.  Let’s take first the concept of temperature.  There is a season wherein your heat for Me is quite evident.  I am calling you and you are responding and the relationship is a hot one.  Then you cool.  Or perhaps I move away to let you test yourself.  Relationship is still present, but it is different.  Then comes the time of cold.  But there must be heat… for the continuation of life and relationships.  So you must generate it from inside of yourself or I must provide it through alternative means… the analogies would be the stove or the fireplace and the Bible, human contacts, or conferences and meetings and worship.  The warmth is generated.  The relationship continues.

It might seem as though a constant hot relationship would be most desirable.  Just as some would say that the climate of Hawaii or southern Florida is the ideal – warm all year around.  There is merit to that.  I have servants who have virtually no change of seasons… who are pleasing to Me.  Yet, as you found a fascination in the four seasons, so am I fascinated with this rhythm.

You are a servant with a seasonal rhythm.  There are times when you are hot for the Spirit, but then comes the Fall, and then the cold of winter.  But from that comes the glow and burst of Spring, and We are soon back in warm relationship again.  It is good to have someone constantly with you.  Still there is a genuine joy in the return of someone who has been away.

Remember, though, that Fall and Winter are not times of inactivity, but of different activity.  There is much to do then, too.  So also, when Our relationship is in its cool to cold season there is still much for you to do… much to learn that will be of possible value in Our work together.  So do not despair and do not wish for eternal heat and sunshine.  Instead do that which is offered to you in a season.  Grow and be.  Recall that as you are away from active warm relationship with Me you remain as strong and as capable and as loving as you were with Me.  If you genuinely grow in concert with Me, that growth is real and is sustained through the cold seasons.  I am not merely a prop and as I “go” you plummet.  You stand as strong without My active intervention, but you do not grow further in My ways.

I am not bothered by that.  As you should not be “bothered” by winter.  Function independently.  Accomplish.  You come again, not because you absolutely must, but because you want to… or because “it is time… a different season.”

I remind you again that this instruction bears rereading from time to time.  Many of these lessons are not just for the day, but for your eternal perspective.  You have been a joy through many “lives”… learning and forgetting… and yet growing toward better service.  I shall work with you on your San Diego presentations.  It is not yet winter.

This day has much promise.  I shall watch over Lenore and Matthew and bring them safely home.  Work hard.  Accomplish much.  Be My servant.

For the Lord’s been speakin’ to your heart.


8:13 AM