Change Of Season

AUG. 23, 1980, 6:20 AM

You experienced this night past, o son, a change of season. As you slept out here at the Farm the night went from steamy and warm to brisk and cool. Though there is still some summer left, you got a feel for the change to fall. In fact, this morning doeth truly feel like a fall morning, rather than one in August.

Of what spiritual significance is this change of season. It heralds the change that must come in you as you shift from the many and varied things you are doing now to the focus for Our sabbatical study. It must surely be a change of season. You have eight days more in August to devote to scattered tasks. Then September 1 is Labor Day, and that shall be a day of rest and transition. Then I want no more effort on any other project. The Spiritual Dimension must be more clearly identified.

I have told you in a number of ways, and it came forth to you last night as you wrote your Spiritual Story, that your career has developed well to this point, and now is the time to truly combine your professional field (an important one) and your spiritual-religious life. Many people do not get an opportunity to do this. The opportunity is ahead for you, and I have every reason to believe that you shall succeed.

Just as there are similarities as well as differences in the seasons (there are clear, sunny mornings like this in each season… as well as dreary, cloudy ones) things shall not change completely for you, o son. There still will be incongruities and inconsistencies that you shall have to live with, but it still will be a “new season” in relation to what does “come together”. Actually, there shall be some that comprehend most of what you shall do and shall “be with you” (Lenore is one, certainly). Yet this may make it harder to be patient and compassionate with those who still think in other terms.

AUG. 23, 1980, 6:20 AM

You experienced this night past, o son, a change of season. As you slept out here at the Farm the night went from steamy and warm to brisk and cool. Though there is still some summer left, you got a feel for the change to fall. In fact, this morning doeth truly feel like a fall morning, rather than one in August.

Of what spiritual significance is this change of season. It heralds the change that must come in you as you shift from the many and varied things you . . .

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