Change! Of Season?

SAT., APRIL 7, 2001, 6:24 PM

It has been a warm day, after a close-to-warm night, here in the Heartland. It certainly is not summer yet, but the blossoms and new leaves suggest Spring! You don’t remember this winter, now fading, as one of hardship. Maybe it was… or wasn’t… or perhaps it is just your now-erratic memory that is responsible.

Your feet still hurt, some, but you know that the slow healing process continues. You have appreciated that your “adventure” and its injuries therefrom came in late Fall, and you have had the winter to heal and recuperate, with friend Mark showing Christian charity in doing your “feeding” and in providing usable wood for the fireplace.

Now the season is changing, and you are almost comfortable in shoes, yet again. You are glad that you have no ongoing responsibilities at the U. or at church. This “time away” should make it easier to finally “retire,” though you are already considering what life will be like without that small office. To leave the campus completely… OR… identify other places to have these Teachings. One of the unique characteristics of Our “relationship” has been that while the paper and pens are “special,” you have had Teachings in many settings.

Symbolically, I want you to realize that I do like and favor some ritual or liturgy. BUT ALSO I want this “pattern” to represent the TRUTH that I Am with you at all times, and I can offer you a Teaching in almost any setting that has a minimum of noise and other distractions. You realize this now and I am helping you identify some variety of place in which you can hear Me… and write.

Your mind occasionally considers other places than this Farm, as possible sites for “the rest of this earth life.” I have no objection to this, and you might have enough physical disability to make this Farm too difficult to remain as your place. Another alternative, that you do consider, is reducing your “animal clan” and limiting your outside work here to the lawn, some gardens, and firewood. This is an alternative that may seem more and more viable.

You do enjoy each season, so Spring is desirable, but Winter has some merits… and you’re already selecting clothes for the warm-to-hot summer. I want you to realize that while there is some “sameness” and continuity to your life in each of these four seasons, each also has a uniqueness that you appreciate. You feel that each season comes to replace another, but then, in about 3 months fades and becomes the “next one.”

You realize that this is not the “model” for human life in accepted Christian thought. Rather, you as a Christian should believe that you are born… go through infancy to childhood, then teenage, adulthood (with responsibilities), and then old age… and, finally, death. This is the end of your spirit “journey” as a human, so you go to heaven or hell and reap the reward or punishment for your thoughts, convictions and actions, as a human in this one life. You have one “season”… that’s it! ( 7:07 / 7:09 )

You have come to see life differently, and you assume that I, Holy Spirit, am responsible for this, since I have never denied it since these Teachings commenced. You now believe that you have experienced earth life and life in other realms before you were born in 1926. You had a general “pattern” for this life, and you have done quite well in “living it out.” Finally, what your culture calls “death” will come, and you shall see, in a much fuller way, how well you’ve done, according to what We (you and I) intended.

SAT., APRIL 7, 2001, 6:24 PM

It has been a warm day, after a close-to-warm night, here in the Heartland. It certainly is not summer yet, but the blossoms and new leaves suggest Spring! You don’t remember this winter, now fading, as one of hardship. Maybe it was… or wasn’t… or perhaps it is just your now-erratic memory that is responsible.

Your feet still hurt, some, but you know that the slow healing process continues. You have appreciated that your “adventure” and its injuries therefrom came in late Fall, and you have . . .

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