
December 18, 1979, 7:35 AM

I am changeless, o son, yet within My changelessness is much change.  As you suspect it is another case of “both/and” rather than “either/or”.  It is important that I be changeless, for I have done the work of creation and have set all that is into ways of being.  There shall be no fundamental changes.  Still, it is a dynamic system that I have created, and there are changes.  I cause changes.  I react to changes.  Being the dominant force in the universe is certainly not a boring experience!

Because you, o learning son, are created in My image you are experiencing a similar “both/and”.  There is an external, everlasting quality to your life, only some of which you realize.  And there is a changing dimension… the experience of continued newness and freshness.  Appreciate both.

You are a teacher in your thirty first year of teaching.  There is a changeless quality to this experience.  Students change, and courses change.  Locations change and approaches change.  But there is also a changeless, permanent quality to the vocation.  How interwoven it is with the unique, the situational, the new aspects of this ministry!

Thus, be aware that changes, for you, are always real only against the reality of My changelessness and your relationship with Me.  It is appropriate for you to be surprised and not be surprised.  You shall continue to develop a sense of My purposes, and therefore will “feel” changes come as they are appropriate.  Still, it is also proper that you be amazed at how I cause you to develop.

Let’s reflect on the teaching of Saturday, last.  I had you look at your development as a teacher-evaluator… in the perspective of those tasks that are more clearly of priority to Me.  You need to reverse the direction of change and give more time and concern to those areas to which I direct you.  You can do this without compromising your integrity.  It shall improve your overall effectiveness.

There will be changes, but they are part of a changeless relationship – a way in which I have eternally dealt with souls.  Know ye that you are in a timeless tradition and, at the same time, are in the most dynamic of relationships.  This is My way.  Appreciate it and develop comfort with it.

Hear the Word of the Lord in timeless Scripture.  Hear the Word of the Lord in new, unique ideas from within your own spirit.  Feel the balancing of the need for permanence and for change.  Enjoy and profit from the change in plan that this day has brought.  Yes you shall start your Letter today.  It shall have priority over other tasks.  Yet it is not a task, but a ministry.  It shall be not like this writing, but not wholly different from it either.  My Spirit shall prevail yet the words shall be yours.  Well, a joint venture, then.  The date book is mildly necessary. Use it, but be more aware of the Spirit which shall prevail as the message forms.

Changes bring growth but also possible turmoil.  See, you are experiencing this now.  The lesson continues on a taxiing plane, a flying plane.  There has not been a writing situation like this before.  You know the process… it shall be eternal.  But the situation!  Are there no rules for where and how this meditation shall be recorded?   None.  And you are doing well with this changing situation.  Learn from it as others develop in equally wild, wonderful ways.

You understood some changes in the life of Michael and Wendy.  They are doing My will in these changes.  You have no real apprehensions, because the changes are rooted in Me.  I shall utilize the talents of both of these young servants.  Michael’s ministry shall be diverse, but it shall involve his mind and spirit.  He shall advance as he learns of the ways of Mine I wish him to foster.  Worry not that these are not just the same as those I put upon your heart.  There are reasons for this you shall understand when it is My Pleasure to reveal them.

Well, classes are over, and a new rhythm shall be established.  Responsibilities still hang heavy.  Dissipate them as easily as you can.  Then consider the necessary, the desirable changes.

The changeless, ever-changing Spirit of the Lord is with you.  Quite a companion!

So be it

8:59 AM