Changing Seasons

WED., OCT. 5, 1988, 7:26 AM

From the warmth of summer in those places you have been visiting you are now thrust into the coolness of Fall as you return home. It is hard to give up the natural warmth, but the warmth and cheer of the fireplace is a welcome substitute. The changing of the seasons has begun, the windows are closed, and yet I am here with you, o son.

You know that I make rather frequent references to the season, the temperature, or some other indication of the season as I offer you Teachings. You are aware that these have become a non-systematic chronicling of your earth life, even as a positive side effect of the spiritual message. This is an important reminder that the spiritual is an integral part of the more obvious earth life, and these Teachings are an important bridge linking them.

The air is cool, but the leaves are still green and numerous, and the flowers still bloom. However, you soon shall have your first container of fireplace ashes to return to the earth. Aye, it is a time of transition.

You have had a day of puttering. Now you must set yourself to the tasks of this new season. A list shall be necessary, for you do have responsibilities, mixed with opportunities, and even as this is a time without teaching tasks, it is not a time of vacation. Develop a list for the week and another for the month. The thank-you notes and words of appreciation for unique visits during these past two months are not obligations so much as they are true opportunities. These must be done before you commence your advertised project.

You look forward to composing the fourth Ruminations for this year, even as you remember how difficult it was to move yourself to do four per year. The Teachings on that westward trip were of a nice variety, and I shall help you use them well. They shall represent a season of traveling, combined and analyzed during a season of being at home. Typing them all will be a good discipline, but will not be absolutely necessary.

I shouldn’t have to tell you, but I’ll add My tangible words to the pangs of your conscience – this study should be cleaned up and all stocks of papers disposed of in some ways. As long as the season is changing, let’s change to one of more neatness in this room where your major work will be done. Know that this project you shall be doing has My direct blessing… it is something I want you to do and to do well. I have guided you in the development of each of these Wellsprings, and this time of scholarly application will provide another enhancement of your knowledge of and feeling for each, and for the relationships between. A neater study room will be the first step toward better ecological balance and your spiritual response to this.

Autumn is a fine season, and I want you to appreciate it fully. Put your summer clothes away and enjoy the return of those appropriate to this season. The “chores” are somewhat different, and I want you to appreciate these, with gratitude for capacities to accomplish these which require strength and stamina. Autumn is a season that points toward the dormancy of winter in this place, and still it can be a time of early preparation for better growing next year. You shall feel some sadness as the leaves fall, but appreciate their beauty, and enjoy the change to starkness as much as you can… and know that this time of dormancy is necessary for the new growth in Spring.

So, your ongoing responsibilities are minimal, which gives you time for the ones that lie ahead. You have the drive to accomplish what you must, but I shall be with you regularly to urge you on and to give you new and renewed insights on life as you live it.

WED., OCT. 5, 1988, 7:26 AM

From the warmth of summer in those places you have been visiting you are now thrust into the coolness of Fall as you return home. It is hard to give up the natural warmth, but the warmth and cheer of the fireplace is a welcome substitute. The changing of the seasons has begun, the windows are closed, and yet I am here with you, o son.

You know that I make rather frequent references to the season, the temperature, or some other indication of the season as I offer you Teachings . . .

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