Chaos And Me

WED., FEB. 1, 1989, 6:06 AM

Chaos is the complete lack of order and predictability. Only occasionally is this an appropriate term to use for this earth and the actions of some of its people. Am I involved in situations of chaos? Listen and hear, o son.

Occasionally, here in the earth, there are times or instances of chaos. Rarely am I directly responsible for such, for disorder and suffering rarely have great value. But, remember, always, that the fundamental purpose of earth life is spiritual growth. And, yes, I have seen considerable spiritual growth come out of chaos. It is so shocking and wrenching that it stimulates the thought: “Why am I here? How can this be? Why, God?” (And this latter can be exclaimed even by one who has not been a believer.)

Some humans expect natural chaos from time to time. Most trust in order and predictability… or at least assume that these shall return in a short time. There are those who live near active volcanoes. There are those who live where violent storms occur. There are places that flood with some regularity. Some of those who live thus truly accept the coming of this chaos and see it almost as one of life’s adventures. You remember the statement, “Who’d want to live in a place that had no challenge?”

A few of these actually give Me credit for being part of this chaos. They are strong believers in My power and My many capacities, and therefore any happening of such power must be initiated by Me. The Biblical account of the powers I gave to Moses to enact or to predict in his tassle with the Egyptian pharoah are a strong basis for such a belief. True… in this story there was a purpose, and the Hebrews were spared, but from the perspective of the Egyptians it was chaos, and the story affirms that I caused these.

Most consider the chaotic condition to be just one of nature’s extreme behaviors or just a freak happening. Many of these would call on Me during a time of chaos, for protection and for intervention. “Please, God, stop this terrible thing!” Some are encouraged in their faith by what happens, and others are dispirited. A time of chaos is often a time of “winning and losing”… a time of growing or regressing.

You live in an area where tornadoes develop and touch down every Spring. You live in an area close to an earthquake fault that is due to move at any time now. You live in an old house that could be easily devoured by fire. Any one of these could be chaotic, and you have considered some actions during the time of each. Such considering and even planning can help make a dangerous situation less chaotic, for part of chaos is the feeling of panic and of helplessness in any person.

Oh, I realize it is relatively easy to think of an earthquake when the earth is predictably quiet, and there has been no heralding of such a change.

It also is not difficult to think of chaotic wind and rain and blowing debris when the trees barely move and the sky is clear. You think of action in time of fire, but there is none. And then you thank Me for this respite.

The “far-out” attitude I call you to attain is that I am truly in the midst of chaos, encouraging spirits, even as I do not intervene miraculously. I have come very vividly to some who survive, and their lives are changed in the experience. I have come even more dramatically to some whose bodies have not survived but whose spirits soar as a result of the encounter.

Human action can also create chaos, of course. Crowd behavior can be chaotic. Weapons now available can bring chaos, if used. In such situations there is, inevitably, both gain and loss. For some it is utterly frightening, while for others it is more excitement that is felt. I am rarely the instigator, but rarely, rarely am I not present and active. I simply know that most spiritual losses eventually turn into gain. Humans need many kinds of challenges, and chaos is one of these.

WED., FEB. 1, 1989, 6:06 AM

Chaos is the complete lack of order and predictability. Only occasionally is this an appropriate term to use for this earth and the actions of some of its people. Am I involved in situations of chaos? Listen and hear, o son.

Occasionally, here in the earth, there are times or instances of chaos. Rarely am I directly responsible for such, for disorder and suffering rarely have great value. But, remember, always, that the fundamental purpose of earth life is spiritual growth. And, yes, I have seen considerable spiritual growth come out . . .

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