Chaos And Me

THURS., AUG. 3, 1989, 6:20 AM

Chaos is now being described as a new science. You know that I, the Holy Spirit, am not greatly interested in science or sciences. They are useful, but science, per se, does not consider My influence as having any reality, even as some scientists do. I’ll just say that I have more regard for science than science has for Me.

This “new” science of chaos may be a means of coming closer to Me. It represents a breakdown of the premise that the earth is always orderly. It substitutes the premise that unpredictable influences can affect the orderly flow of actions in the earth. Some of these can be identified, but, by definition, some will always be unidentifiable. Chaos seems to be a “branch” of physics which is quite related to the more biologically based science called ecology. Actually it is part of ecology, for this strange science accepts the fact that actual interactions in the earth can never be truly known, because all of the variables can never be isolated.

The focus of this Teaching, however, is the important idea that I am one of those unpredictable factors that disrupts “perfect order.” I always have been, and I always will be such. As Almighty God I established this earth as an orderly realm, basically. I created in such a way that science, the orderly study of orderly things, has flourished. And yet I have not given up My right to influence and make changes that suit My purposes. Therefore I am one of the forces behind chaos.

The diagrams you saw on the Nova program were, in the true scientific fashion, too simple. The beautiful, symmetrical patterns were the result of one unpredictable influence, while in actuality there may be many, acting simultaneously. I am always potentially one of these. My actions are always going to be frustrating to scientific study, for they result from purposes that cannot be understood or predicted. My fundamental purpose, here in the earth, is to encourage spiritual growth, and there are more ways to accomplish this than any human or group of humans can imagine. Then there is the variable of human responses to what I do. These are not completely predictable, even as I know, basically, how each shall react.

In spiritual terms, I am a major factor in chaos. I have told you that I have been instrumental in preventing nuclear war. There have been many circumstances that would have logically led to such a war, if events had gone in orderly fashion. But a little influence here and another there… and the orderly progression was “messed up.” Occasionally I work this way with an individual’s cancer… the progression is disturbed and the healing system prevails. Of course, I sometimes get credit when other forces produce the same, prayed-for result.

Yet it is important that these influences be minimal and that the earth and all that occurs thereon functions in a predictable, orderly fashion. If chaos were normative, living would be much more difficult than it is now. I love this earth, and I still am in charge, but I generally let things happen as they naturally will. Yet the factors that produce chaos are also of My creation. This “new” science does not surprise Me.

Your experience yesterday morning was illustrative. You planned to go fishing and enjoy it. The early morning time was right, you caught fish regularly, even though they were small. But the disturbing factor was small, biting gnats that reduced the pleasure. You might, again, prepare for that, but something else would disturb the perfection. Or… every factor would work together for enjoyment, but not every time.

THURS., AUG. 3, 1989, 6:20 AM

Chaos is now being described as a new science. You know that I, the Holy Spirit, am not greatly interested in science or sciences. They are useful, but science, per se, does not consider My influence as having any reality, even as some scientists do. I’ll just say that I have more regard for science than science has for Me.

This “new” science of chaos may be a means of coming closer to Me. It represents a breakdown of the premise that the earth is always orderly. It substitutes the . . .

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