Chaos In The World

JAN. 10, 1982, 6:02 AM

It is a cold, cold, morning. The fire is warming on your front, but the air, even in this warmest room, is cool. The water does not flow. It is a time to be appreciative, o son, for what you have most of the time and of the fact of “natural chaos”. With the temperature this low the flow of life is disrupted, and a different rhythm develops. You have no real fear of this, and you should not. In the larger realm there shall be more chaos in the earth plane, but even that is nothing to fear. Hear then, son of Mine, some words about chaos… just a teaching, not a prophesy.

Basically you have nothing to fear because you have your hand in Mine. This does not save you from discomfort, trouble, even tragedy, but it keeps a perspective in which fear just “doesn’t figure”… isn’t necessary. You are coming to feel this more truly and realistically, but you still react too often as if a situation were only a natural one, not one of instruction. You created a dangerous situation just now so let’s analyze it.

You were feeling cold so you put a wooden box on the fire… light, dry wood. It burned with a fierce heat, dissipating the cool as you desired. But it raised the fear of a chimney fire, and that brought the following fear of a fire in the house, with no water. Disaster. Chaos. Yes, that was and is possible. Being My servant, even in this special, selected way, does not save you from times of chaos. But it should mean that you can appreciate the nature of My world and the particular situation as one of learning and growing.

All of those who know Me and call My name frequently do not have the same life experiences. Michael and Wendy, their family, and their house, were spared injury and destruction, though it was round about them. Likewise all the church members. This is a blessing, and thanks and praise are appropriate.

Still, some who lost homes, property, even life itself were Christians, wondering why I had not protected them. I did not cause all of this rain and mud chaos, nor that which comes from cold and freezing, but I allow the natural earth to function and then “stand ready” to use the results for My good purposes. I have told you before that I intervene occasionally, but it is not My way to rescue all of My servants from every chaotic situation imaginable. So be ready to learn from every situation of which you can be aware. Pray for protection. Even expect it. But be ready for chaos also.

I’ll also repeat a fact that I offered you before… in the interest of clearer understanding… there now are so may people in the earth that almost any departure from normality, and certainly any truly chaotic happening, will bring about individual deaths. Deaths of individuals close to you are to be mourned and preventive measures are not against My will, but do not lament any diminishing of the population, for it is people in too great numbers that make for chaos in the world. This is a natural consequence… one you must expect… and teach. Again, in most incidences I do not directly cause the “disaster”, but I simply allow the natural consequence to occur.

Your fire blazed extra hot and then receded again. Your house did not burn. Perhaps it never shall. But do not underestimate the power of severe loss to teach important lessons of reality and spirit. Regret and mourn a loss for a time, for there is a time to mourn. But then be aware of the time to dance… the return of the reality that things, possessions, even people are gifts from Me… for a time – short, medium or long. When one blessing goes, look immediately for the next. After the rain comes the rainbow and the drying breeze. After the cold comes the warming trend. So do not wait for the joy of attaining the most desirable. Experience the joy of anticipation. And, increasingly, experience the joy that lies buried in chaos. With only a few can you express it, but do so if you can. And acknowledge to self its presence.

7:17 AM