Chatter, Chatter!

FRI., FEB. 24, 1984, 5:36 AM

I shall let this be the title this morning, o son, even though it may not relate to all of the meditation. Your mind has countered My presence with a good deal of chatter, but know also that I have let you wait this morning, in contrast to those times when the theme is quickly offered, and writing is fast and continuous. As I have told you, each has its merits. I test you occasionally to check your loyalty to the process. I see that it remains strong. Over the chatter of your agile mind, hear Me.

You went to worship last Sunday in a place faraway. This was an important part of the total trip, this return to the Methodist experience. I do bless and love Methodists, even though they are not zealous for Me in overt ways. Many have done good works for Me, even though they have not been loud in their praise of Me. Devotion and commitment are manifested in a wide variety of ways. I understand and accept this panoply of offerings.

Yes, you did hear Me as I planted the idea for the rest of your sabbatical experience. As a contrast to these two in-depth sojourns I would have you finish with variety… each Sunday with a different congregation. You still must plan these and know in advance what you can expect… and then experience the Sunday morning as fully as possible. Continue to keep your journal, writing extensively on each church group and your reaction thereto. Central Union shall be your finale, with Menlo Park included. The result shall be a greater appreciation of the spread of Christian expression. The value of this shall be evident as you return to your “home church”… though it will come slowly, rather than in a great rush.

It matters not, really, whether this was wholly your idea or Mine. Actually it was a combination… your thought and Mine mingled together. I am involved in much of what you think, even in the chatter that frequently is produced. Much of it is foolish and unnecessary, BUT… in the midst may emerge a single thought… or a procession… to which you should give your attention. Yes, much of it is idle, but some is valuable. Mine what you can of this.

And I am involved. You invite Me to be part of your life, and I have accepted the invitation. In one instance I protect you and yours, and in another I help create a challenging situation. Sometimes I am active. Other times are times of passivity and observation. Are you special, in this regard? I can say both Yes and No.

Yes, you are special. I am interested in your life experiences, some of which I definitely shape. I have a purpose for your life, of which you are aware. I guide you directly through these Teachings. You really could not withdraw from Me, even if you tried. Doesn’t this sound special?

FRI., FEB. 24, 1984, 5:36 AM

I shall let this be the title this morning, o son, even though it may not relate to all of the meditation. Your mind has countered My presence with a good deal of chatter, but know also that I have let you wait this morning, in contrast to those times when the theme is quickly offered, and writing is fast and continuous. As I have told you, each has its merits. I test you occasionally to check your loyalty to the process. I see that it remains strong. Over the chatter . . .

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