Children, Again

WED., NOV. 14, 1984, 10:24 AM

In contrast to your previous convention, this is not one with much emphasis on children, so you might expect that I would comment on this segment of humans… even as I commented yesterday on the spiritual sense that is in short supply here. This is a time of balancing, and I am happy to help with this need.

Children are a tangible evidence of hope and faith and love. Ideally, children are conceived, born, and raised in love, with the faith in self, family, society, and, hopefully and importantly, in Me to guide this life in pleasant, productive, loving directions. There needs to be hope for the child’s future and for the uncontrollable future “out there” in which he or she must function. Your children came forth with this love, faith, and hope. The results have been better than you sometimes think. Three have gone on to father another generation of children, which is evidence of their appreciation of faith, hope, and love.

In the earth there is no guarantee that these hopes will be met. Faith is to be tested, in everyone at sometime, in some rather repeatedly. Love is challenged by forces that are considerable, including some from positive social and personal values. That is, it just is more difficult to love a child (even one of your own) whose behavior and attitudes are in conflict with some that you hold to with conviction. Yet you also have experienced a love for Peter that was heightened by his deviance, even though it was hard to express in the midst of some drunken or violent behavior.

Some of these young professionals who have learned under your guidance are like your own children, and even easier to love… and in whom to have faith, trust, and hope. Know that this is not a relationship to deny or feel uneasy about. You have biological children, social/professional children, and, most importantly, children of the spirit. Those of each type must have a place in your heart and must be nurtured, individually and in groups.

You are now at an age when your children are young adults, but they remain your children even as they become friends and colleagues. I have told you before that there is no ideal parental style, and as the Holy Scriptures tell of Me as God the Father you hear conflicting stories of My fatherly actions. I punish. I forgive. I hold to standards. I love and accept repentance. I condemn. I offer My Grace. And there are many combinations. It is better to be more stern with some, and more lenient with others. Yet you also must be who you are, rather than some projected ideal need for a child of yours. No one should say that it’s easy!

Among these children are some that shall surpass you, intellectually and professionally. Your mind and emotions shall encourage the response of envy and rejection, but listen to your spirit, that which encourages them to surpass you and do more than you have done. A good parent should feel proud that a child has surpassed him, in any of a number of ways.

Be aware also that some of your children have spiritual development equal to and beyond your own. Be appreciative of mutual learning… of what you can learn from them as well as what they can get from you. Yet some of these are still hidden from you and must be brought out into the light. Your Ruminations shall continue to help do this. Even as you commence a new one, get copies of the last on sent out to some who have requested.

WED., NOV. 14, 1984, 10:24 AM

In contrast to your previous convention, this is not one with much emphasis on children, so you might expect that I would comment on this segment of humans… even as I commented yesterday on the spiritual sense that is in short supply here. This is a time of balancing, and I am happy to help with this need.

Children are a tangible evidence of hope and faith and love. Ideally, children are conceived, born, and raised in love, with the faith in self, family, society, and, hopefully and importantly, in . . .

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