Children Of God

TUES., JULY 9, 1991, 6:05 AM

On Sunday last you heard an affirmation that only those who saw Jesus as God Incarnate could be called Christians, but that others could be called Children of God. (Actually these were separate statements which I have melded into one.) You have no trouble with the truth of the initial affirmation, and yet I, the most real aspect of Almighty God, for you, come as the Holy Spirit rather than as the Risen Lord, Jesus.

It doesn’t bother you that I speak, at times, as Jesus, and, at others, as God. My primary identity, however, is as the Holy Spirit. Yet, as you know, We are Three, and We, also, are One. It would sound somewhat overpresumptuous for you to claim that you received Teachings directly from the One and Only God. So I come as Holy Spirit, whom most Christian accept, but are not sure how or why.

To you I say again, that God remains the Creator God. That is, creation continues because of God. Just as there would be no physical life if the sun ceased to shine, so there would be no spiritual life, no eternal and everlasting life if God ceased to monitor creation. My creation process is one of variety. Animals are in the earth in incredible variety. And humans are in even greater variety. Physically, there are variations galore in humans. Intellectually, there is a great range. Though the basic emotions have been well-identified, the combinations, in expression, are vast in numbers.

Though each human has a spirit, which, ultimately, did come from Me, again there is range and variation. One “variety” consists of those who know Me lovingly as Jesus, the Risen Christ, and who proclaim that all must acknowledge Me in this way, and this way only. I love these Christians, for they do deserve such a name. And yet I say, finally, that they are only a part of creation.

Other Christians accept the Jesus who told stories and parables and showed us how to live earth life. Others like the Jesus pictured as a social revolutionary, with sharing and caring as the key concepts. And then there are all of the other Children of God.

I have been identified and worshiped in a vast number of ways… and all of these have not been just human “inventions.” I did come to Abraham, and I did establish the twelve tribes of Israel. I did choose Moses and through him gave the Ten Commandments. I raised up prophets who told of a Messiah to come, and then when I came, as Jesus, I did not match very closely. Hence there still are Jews, firm in the faith that commenced with Abraham, and I love them and bless them still.

I came to Mohammed, and I gave him the Koran. Today I see much variation in those who follow Islam and acknowledge Me as Allah, the One, True God. These, too, are My children. The great Hindu tradition, which commenced and developed independently of the Jewish-Christian saga, brings direction and comfort to many lives in the earth today. I encouraged a young nobleman to be enlightened to the realities of earth and spirit, and he became the Gautama Buddha. Many follow his teachings on right living, without the need for a God figure.

And what great varieties there have been and are among the native people of the Americas and of Africa and the Pacific islands. Why don’t all come to see Me as Father, Son, and Holy Ghost? Ah, that would be nice… but… the variety would be lost. And I do like variety.

TUES., JULY 9, 1991, 6:05 AM

On Sunday last you heard an affirmation that only those who saw Jesus as God Incarnate could be called Christians, but that others could be called Children of God. (Actually these were separate statements which I have melded into one.) You have no trouble with the truth of the initial affirmation, and yet I, the most real aspect of Almighty God, for you, come as the Holy Spirit rather than as the Risen Lord, Jesus.

It doesn’t bother you that I speak, at times, as Jesus, and, at others, as . . .

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