Chosen… Elected… Destined

WED., SEPT. 16, 1992, 8:47 AM

The study of this short letter from My old servant Paul to the Christians at Philippi continues, with some discussion today of his calling, his destiny in relation to being a writer of Scripture. Having participated in this morning group’s discussion, hear Me now as I tell you some more about what these titular words mean.

Obviously Paul was chosen to be an apostle. I used what he had been to My advantage in bringing the Gospel to Jews and Gentiles in that area of the world. Yes, it was his destiny. Though I do not directly arrange elections such as his, I have great capacities to have some matters turn out the way I wish. It is a mystical capacity that can’t be explained in an either/or fashion. Paul just turned out to be where I wanted him to be… and I used where he was to be the base for his chosenness.

You suggested that a reason for his being in custody, and therefore unable to actually go to Philippi, was so that he would write the letter that would become a part of Holy Scripture. It doesn’t really matter how actively involved I was. The letter was written, saved, and is now something for you and this small group to study and ponder, over 1900 years later (as you calculate time).

You are called to hear Me and write down these Teachings. Like the letters of Paul, there is no direct assurance that these volumes will be saved and remembered… even slightly revered. They are both inconsequential in your culture AND of great consequence because they represent what you hear directly from Me, the Holy Spirit. You needn’t feel expectant nor important. Your election is to be faithful to this task. As always, leave any consequences to Me.

Paul was in custody. You are much more free, physically. His freedom was in his relation to Me, as the Christ. You are not as accepting of comparable freedom that you have in Me. You are more bound than was Paul, for I do want you to maintain your status in your church, in your university, and in your profession. It is as if I had called Paul to preach only to Jews, as many of the actual disciples were. There are advantages both ways. Rejoice in your destiny.

The Christian religion was destined to succeed. It did so with a marvelous combination of chosen “vessels” and others who just responded, believed, and became servants of Mine, quite voluntarily. And yet you note that Paul’s affirmation, those many years ago, that before Jesus every knee shall bow has not yet come true… and doesn’t look promising.

There are three basic ways you can react to such a condition. You can assume that I do not have the power to accomplish this domination, even though I want it… badly. OR the time has not yet come for such a conversion and show of unanimous allegiance. OR I really do like diversity, and, though there are several Scriptural passages like Paul’s assertion, I am the Only God there is, and I do encourage spiritual development in many other ways than the orthodox Christian. Clearly, I tell you this latter.

WED., SEPT. 16, 1992, 8:47 AM

The study of this short letter from My old servant Paul to the Christians at Philippi continues, with some discussion today of his calling, his destiny in relation to being a writer of Scripture. Having participated in this morning group’s discussion, hear Me now as I tell you some more about what these titular words mean.

Obviously Paul was chosen to be an apostle. I used what he had been to My advantage in bringing the Gospel to Jews and Gentiles in that area of the world. Yes, it . . .

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