
MON., JAN. 2, 1989, 6:45 AM

Your friend-in-the spirit of many years is moving away. Her life has changed from the times when you talked together rather regularly, but the potential for a free spirit discussion was always there. Now, physically, she shall move, and in the new environment she will adapt socially and emotionally… and also spiritually. There will be opportunities for new spiritual experiences, if she will recognize these opportunities and if she is willing to have and appreciate each experience.

Chris’ life has become more balanced as this marriage has developed. She and Easy have been achieving a balance that allows their relationship to be the most loving and amiable. Easy has been willing to look at life more spiritually, and Chris has held back from and suppressed experiences that would be divisive in their relationship at this time. I am not pressing her to the experiences of which she is capable (though I could), for it is best when a human soul chooses her spiritual path, insofar as this is possible.

I, the Holy Spirit, have watched her spiritual growth and have contributed to it in many ways and instances. I also have observed as she has interacted with other spirits, some helpful, some “friendly”, and some that could be harmful. Her development is such that she has been perceptive of these, while others would not be. Also she has been the “focus” for more spiritual activity than most humans have experienced. She knew this would happen when she came into this life, but in this culture it is ever so tempting to avoid and deny these encounters. Chris can do this, and has a human right to do so, but cannot do it without some spiritual discomfort.

Even as you hear Me and write these pages, now rather easily, of what you hear, you cannot truly understand the nature of the experiences of which I speak. It is not that she is more spiritually advanced than you are (though in some ways this is true), but that your paths are just different. They are close enough and they cross enough for you to be good, compatible spiritual friends, but in certain respects they are different, and words are of no avail in attempts to convey these differences.

There are some souls in the small community to which she shall move with whom she could relate spiritually in very unique ways. She shall have to decide whether to seek or to respond to such opportunities. She will have inclinations both ways. It will be quite comfortable to just be Easy’s wife, an orthodox, mainline Christian, and a serious non-controversial student. Yea… this shall be appealing. Unfortunately it also will have some to considerable discomfort.

You can appreciate this, even as our experiences have been somewhat different. You are comfortable as a Presbyterian. It is good to be seen as an active Christian, but you feel the rising discomfort as some begin to question these experiences with Me and what you know about everlasting life which is not Presbyterian doctrine. There are many situations in which you would like to make statements from your spiritual knowledge… what you have learned from Me… but you hold back. And it hurts. It just is more comfortable to be with certain people than with many others.

Chris shall have such choices to make. Some decisions will have to be made quickly, and she may be surprised which way she goes, in any instance. Chris and Easy can have a good, continuing marriage. They love each other and want to be together… to share life experiences. Yet Easy must be open and willing to share some of what Chris experiences. This shall be a spiritual and intellectual strain, but from such he shall grow. If he is not willing, and such encounters are avoided and denied, the relationship could grow stale, even in its comfort. If he will grow spiritually, even as this has some trauma to it, their relationship will strengthen and be ever so much better, long term.

MON., JAN. 2, 1989, 6:45 AM

Your friend-in-the spirit of many years is moving away. Her life has changed from the times when you talked together rather regularly, but the potential for a free spirit discussion was always there. Now, physically, she shall move, and in the new environment she will adapt socially and emotionally… and also spiritually. There will be opportunities for new spiritual experiences, if she will recognize these opportunities and if she is willing to have and appreciate each experience.

Chris’ life has become more balanced as this marriage has developed. She . . .

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