Christ Spirit

TUES., MAR. 7, 1989, 6:23 AM

On a cold, icy morning, probably the last winter morning you shall experience for awhile let Me offer you a Teaching of a “special” sort. This is one that you shall not share with but a few, for it could damage your image as an orthodox Christian. It is to both My and your advantage that you retain this reputation. And yet I want you to see beyond this orthodox picture to realities that I offer to only a few Christians. And I shall not say why.

I have told you many times and in many ways that this Triune God that you Christian accept and worship is quite a mystical Creator-Sustainer. At the heart of this mystical nature is the Christ spirit. The essence of this is that everything I create I want to save. Even as I have created an earth where competition is necessary, the Christ spirit works for harmony. I have created humans with minds that can reject My power and My very Being, and yet I want each on a spiritual path back to Me.

As Omnipotent, Omnipresent God I continue to create and sustain and judge. Judgment for acts against My will is still in place. “As you sow, so shall you reap” is still a fact of life. I offer many avenues for spiritual growth, and all of these are not as easy and pleasant as your present path. I am the Head, and I give My power to no One, nor has it been taken from Me. (This is a sometimes useful myth, but I quietly affirm that, actually, it is not true.)

Another, and necessary, aspect of such a God is the Christ spirit… the spirit that forgives, that accepts in the face of judgment, that sacrifices for humanity when such salvation is not deserved. This spirit is not in opposition to Me as Almighty God, but in a necessary harmony. It is the truth of the yin-yang concept, one of balance and harmony, not conflict and competition. It is comparable to the justice and mercy amalgam for which your culture has laws, courts, prosecutors, and defenders.

This Christ spirit was from the beginning, which was and is beyond time. This Christ spirit was offered to the first of those I call human, and to each one since. That spirit was and is both special and particular. That is, I, the Holy Spirit, am part of earth life and always have been. I minister, I counsel, I act in myriad ways. Yet this Christ spirit, like unto Me and yet different, was particularly in some of those in the Old Testament story, a preparation, in a sense, for the incarnation as Jesus of Nazareth. You heard/saw the name Joshua, and, yes, he was a human in whom the Christ spirit was essential.

Then came Jesus, and the Christ spirit could truly flourish and be manifested. The spirit was one of love, acceptance, and forgiveness, and yet there was a human disdain for the Pharisees and for the very religion I had come to save. See, I told you it was mystical.

As Jesus I was both put to death and offered Myself willingly as a sacrifice. Which was it? Beautifully both. I was God and I was human in a way much more perfect than in Joshua. Having manifested Myself in this way I can come in no more perfect form. Know that Jesus, the Nazarene, would not have made much of a “splash” in a Chinese village, an English town, or a Native American tribe. The Scriptures suggest I shall return, but the time and conditions are not those of the present.

I am the Holy Spirit, both One with the Christ spirit, and separate from it. I am Jesus, and yet I am not. I am in you, and also in many others, tangibly, and in everyone, in some way. The Christ spirit is still active, working to bring the salvation message through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Many truly experience Jesus as the Christ spirit in their lives. We function in ultimate harmony, not in competition.

TUES., MAR. 7, 1989, 6:23 AM

On a cold, icy morning, probably the last winter morning you shall experience for awhile let Me offer you a Teaching of a “special” sort. This is one that you shall not share with but a few, for it could damage your image as an orthodox Christian. It is to both My and your advantage that you retain this reputation. And yet I want you to see beyond this orthodox picture to realities that I offer to only a few Christians. And I shall not say why.

I have told you . . .

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