Christ, The Spirit

FRI., APR. 19, 1985, 9:40 AM

In the midst of this special morning, when you have started the day amongst Christians, I want you to hear some words that link together these two aspects of Me, the God that Is All in All. You shall see the symbolism in this as we proceed with this Teaching. Don’t try to think about it or make anything up. Just listen, o son, and learn from the Spirit called Holy.

You could feel the spirit in that room this morning, and you feel basically comfortable among a group of Christians. The major source of discomfort is this odd relationship with Me and the truths I have taught you, many of which are different interpretations of the Scriptures than most fundamental Christians accept. So, you are accepted, but, you feel, only as you are pretty quiet about your spiritual experiences.

As I have told you before, this situations means that you know, in part, how I feel. Among fundamental Christians I am the appendage, sought but not truly appreciated. Of course I am lauded, loved, and lived for as Jesus Christ, and to many Christians I do come more clearly in this way. So, you might ask, what difference does it make? As Jesus I said that all must come through Me, as an historical personality, who incarnated in the earth, taught in various ways, and then left dramatically for the many mansions. Those who follow Me as Jesus love their togetherness, yet often also glory (almost) in their differences from others, who also may seek spiritual growth.

I, the Holy Spirit, work in many ways. I interpret and reteach ways of living and believing that I offered as Jesus, but I am not limited to these. Even as Jesus I said and did much more than is recorded in the Gospels. These Scriptures are the best source of truth, but I tell you that there is more, and from this wellspring I offer you more. You are not better than a Christian who knows and can quote many more Scripture passages. You just are different.

Jesus Christ. This is a familiar name. Jesus was the Christ because He manifested the spirit that is Christ in nature. That is My spirit, and it encompasses the fullness of Almighty God as well. He was all, and at the same time His being did not diminish God, nor did it lessen Me. Are we all one and the same? Yes. Are we separate aspects of ultimate reality? Yes. Are we continuously and intimately interrelated? Certainly. This is spiritual reality. Not too easy, is it?

I am the Spirit, Who is the Christ. Does this exclude Jesus? No, of course not. But, yes it does. Christ, the Spirit, has no direct historical roots in the earth. Christ, the Spirit, is infinite, unconditional love and acceptance… forgiveness and grace. Christ, the Spirit tells you that you are part of this spirit, and a part of everyone and everything that is also part. You can live in this culture exuding this spirit, without being sure how the whole Jewish experience with Me relates to you, how it relates to Jesus’ life, and how his life and teachings apply to life today.

Christ the Spirit makes it possible for you to listen conscientiously to My servant Jim, accepting his testimony and loving him for it. Christ the Spirit makes it possible for you to visit, listen to, and endure Art Lean, one of the fallen away blasphemers who cannot yet fully reject Me. You could be a bit more openly sharing of your story and of our relationship, but you do it most effectively in our letter. Never fail to commence with the affirmation of Our relationship, for it is ultimate reality and the source of many of your important learnings.

FRI., APR. 19, 1985, 9:40 AM

In the midst of this special morning, when you have started the day amongst Christians, I want you to hear some words that link together these two aspects of Me, the God that Is All in All. You shall see the symbolism in this as we proceed with this Teaching. Don’t try to think about it or make anything up. Just listen, o son, and learn from the Spirit called Holy.

You could feel the spirit in that room this morning, and you feel basically comfortable among a . . .

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