Christian Consciousness

TUES., MAY 22, 1990, 5:50 AM

One of the themes you dealt with yesterday… and last Friday… was that of altering consciousness. This is a term for one of the major effects of any drug… and you also call it modifying mood. This morning, having called you early, as you challenged Me to do, I shall tell you of Christian consciousness, which is how a born again Christian should perceive the world in which she lives.

Becoming a Christian should change your consciousness. If you have been raised as a Christian child and youth, as you were, the change is not as dramatic as with a conversion from some non-Christian state. Though you were not “born again” in this earlier age you never rejected the Church or what you had learned in Sunday School and youth group. Thus, your consciousness did not change radically, but it is different from that of just a church member.

Christian consciousness has, as its bedrock, the knowledge (not the belief) that all of creation is from God, the Almighty Creator. Evolution, in its appearance, is just a way that I manifest Myself. It does not supercede original and continuing creation, even as I do not directly control “details,” such as individual births and deaths. “All things come of Thee, o Lord” is a proper acknowledgement of reality by Christians.

Christian consciousness should have little concern about death, as I have told you many times. The earth is one aspect of My Kingdom, a special one for the encouragement of spiritual growth. Yet this Kingdom has many “rooms” or realms, and no matter how good earth life may seem the Christian should truly anticipate entrance into another one of My realms, rather than clinging to earth life. It surprises Me when some Christians seek to prolong earth life quite beyond the capacity to serve Me.

Now this does not mean that earth life should be seen as just something to endure before you get to sublime heaven. Every moment of earth life is an opportunity to appreciate and serve Me, as the Triune God Who sustains his realm. Christian consciousness is one of alert involvement, not unlike a stimulant drug. Even in times of pain, hardship, and trouble the Christian should exhibit the Christ spirit, My gift for the full living of earth life.

Then I’ll also tell you that the effect can be like that of a sedative, blocking out the perceptions of distractions and paying little heed to certain pressures which secular life attempts to bring to bear. As a Christian you are committed to the living of life fully, without being attached to the details which call you away from Me. Then I’ll even tell you that there can be a psychedelic quality to this consciousness I offer, which is an expansion of knowing and being beyond what most humans experience. You are not called to be a Christian who experiences this in regular worship, but you could be more aware of times and circumstances when you can experience life in a wider and deeper way.

You are conscious of My Triune nature, Lord God and Father, Jesus the Christ, and Holy Spirit. I am separate, and I am interchangeable. I come to you as the Holy Spirit in a tangible, vivid way, expanding your consciousness so that you hear Me clearly. This is a true addiction, but quite a positive one. Be proud that your mind, spirit, and body are attuned to this relationship and feel the loss if you do not come regularly. To other Christians I come more directly as Jesus, the Risen Christ and Messiah. To yet others I come as Yahweh, the unapproachable God of the mass and the high liturgical service or the God who speaks forth in forms of natural beauty.

TUES., MAY 22, 1990, 5:50 AM

One of the themes you dealt with yesterday… and last Friday… was that of altering consciousness. This is a term for one of the major effects of any drug… and you also call it modifying mood. This morning, having called you early, as you challenged Me to do, I shall tell you of Christian consciousness, which is how a born again Christian should perceive the world in which she lives.

Becoming a Christian should change your consciousness. If you have been raised as a Christian child and youth, as you were . . .

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