Christian Karma

SUN., JULY 22, 1990, 12:35 PM

Welcome to this time of sharing, which is as important a part of Synod School for you as any other. Naturally I am here, and you wonder how I have been involved in what has happened to you thus far. Remember My basic premise: I do not interfere in your life unless it is essential to My plan for you. But what does this mean, for now?

I wanted you to have the opportunity of using Teachings of Mine for the early morning group. You can call this a portion of your Christian Karma. I wanted you to sort through the Teachings and select, carefully, six for this week. You didn’t follow through and complete that task as I asked. So I had to “interfere” in two mild ways. I let Al’s busyness be such that he didn’t develop an alternative, and I urged your spirit to include the folder of Teachings from this past Spring. Now it’s up to you, to get them reproduced. I just assume you’ll know what you have to do… and do it well.

The guitar? You forgot it. I could have caused you to remember, but I didn’t. Improvise. Do stories. Be My adaptable servant. And your sleeping time will be better.

Karma is not a standard Christian term or concept. In this title I have put them together, and, naturally, I shall explain why. The term “Christian” implies being like, related to, or in the pattern of Jesus, the Christ. The law of karma is a good one… in Scriptural term, “as you sow, so shall you reap.” There are consequences for actions and words, and until you put your hand in Mine the law operates for Christians as well as for others. There are two aspects of Christian karma. One is that I can take an action which has consequences for you, such as getting you into this particular kind of writing meditation. You were a fairly well-developed spirit, but you had no direct personal karma that determined you would begin and continue to do this.

The other is that I can intervene in your life events so that you know you have to do something, like this early morning group. You accepted this as a karmic opportunity, but you weren’t sufficiently prepared. The consequences would not have been good for My plan. So I had to do something. Not much, but something.

Karma is ultimate justice, and I am quite committed to justice. Karma may seem like punishment, and in one sense it is. Yet it also is a means of learning and a means to spiritual growth. You once thought you would not continue in teaching. Your karmic past was important to your decision to remain a teacher and prepare for further service. You decision to return to Punahou School was not the right karmic one. When the chance to change came you did what you were supposed to do. Coming to Southern Illinois, moving to the Farm, and evolving the classes you now teach all were part of the karmic pattern. And these fit with what I wanted you to do, in the spiritual realm.

Karma is justice. Grace is mercy. These complement each other more than being competitive opposites. Grace can nullify karma, in extreme cases. In your own life they have worked together more than against each other. They are important aspects of the balance of spiritual life.

When you do whatever you do as service to Me and in appreciation for life you are building a Christian karma. For you, grace is everpresent, but you rarely need it. You are rather faithful in listening to Me and putting My Teachings into action in your life. This builds Christian karma. Your view of life is increasingly spiritual… and your financial picture is the best it’s ever been. You still may get to experience financial hardship… or it may not be necessary, as it is for some.

SUN., JULY 22, 1990, 12:35 PM

Welcome to this time of sharing, which is as important a part of Synod School for you as any other. Naturally I am here, and you wonder how I have been involved in what has happened to you thus far. Remember My basic premise: I do not interfere in your life unless it is essential to My plan for you. But what does this mean, for now?

I wanted you to have the opportunity of using Teachings of Mine for the early morning group. You can call this a . . .

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