Christian Meditation

SAT., SEPT. 12, 1981, 6:56 AM

You have read some in a small book with the title of this teaching (and I hope you go on and finish that reading), so why should you not consider what I have to say about this matter? Why not use a meditation to find out more about meditation? Don’t fret… it is appropriate.

First, realize that meditation has many forms. The central characteristic is that the rational mind of the meditator is tuned down (even off) and there is a listening for spiritual truth or a receiving of spiritual solace. Obviously, what We do together is a very active form, because you write what you hear and thus the record of the meditation is retained for later use by you and by others. This means that your mind must remain functioning, for there are some grammatical and punctuational matters with which I am not concerned but which you must provide if the written teachings are to have the quality I desire. I’ll say again that this is one of the reasons I selected you for this venture… you have developed capacities to write well and with style… you have an adequate vocabulary and you punctuate well. So I use these developed qualities of mind in expressing My thoughts and in making My points.

It can be important in describing this meditation style to others to ask the question, “In what language and style does the Holy Spirit of the Lord God speak?” Any answer may sound strange… even the true one that the Spirit speaks so that he who listens can understand. There is no way in which the Spirit cannot speak or otherwise communicate.

So… your mind must still be functioning, and therefore it is a matter of integrity and discernment on your part that you keep your mind useful but not otherwise participative, writing down what I say rather than what your mind wants to say. Also it is My responsibility to speak clearly enough and repetitively so that I communicate what I wish or what is necessary. It would be foolish of Me to urge you into this time of meditation and then speak in ways you could not hear or could not interpret accurately. And the Holy Spirit is not foolish.

Christian meditation has as its focus communication with Me, the Holy Spirit of the One True God, with the meditator as listener. There should be both a sense of My being wholly Other and a sense of My being an internal part of your own spirit. It’s rather like stereo. You can hear Me as an outside force, you can hear Me coming forth from your own soul, or, wonderfully, you can feel My power, truth, and love coming from both inside and out. It is as if you had an infinite number of speakers; there would be no place where you could not hear with completeness.

In Christian meditation I, the Spirit who speak to you, am the Christ who was and Is in Jesus. My experience in the earth as Jesus is exceedingly important. Never doubt that. Part of spiritual maturity lies in truly knowing this… and knowing why.

SAT., SEPT. 12, 1981, 6:56 AM

You have read some in a small book with the title of this teaching (and I hope you go on and finish that reading), so why should you not consider what I have to say about this matter? Why not use a meditation to find out more about meditation? Don’t fret… it is appropriate.

First, realize that meditation has many forms. The central characteristic is that the rational mind of the meditator is tuned down (even off) and there is a listening for spiritual truth or a receiving of spiritual . . .

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