Christian Unity

MAY 3, 1981, 6:05 AM

You shall go this morning, o son, to a breakfast for Christian Unity, so let me prepare you in My special way, for this event. The truth you told last night about people applies equally here. In some ways… a Christian is like all other Christians… like some other Christians… and like no other Christians.

This means that there is an underlying unity to My Church which can never be broken, for it is the Unity that comes from the life, death, resurrection, and assumption of Jesus, the Christ. Those who gather in His Name… My Name… thus have a Unity that I gave and that I sustain. The only way that fundamental Unity could wane and disappear is for Me to withdraw My Spirit from any and all of the Churches. Yes, there are some organizations that call themselves churches wherein My Spirit no longer dwells. Yet these are few… and I still watch them carefully for signs of desired revival.

But this is a tiny minority. The basic fact is as I stated it – there is a fundamental Unity to My Church and to all Christians. Feel this today as you meet, eat, and interact. In this very real and true sense each Christian is like all other Christians.

But in an equally true sense, which does not negate the truth of the first, each Christian is only like some other Christians. Presbyterian are much like one another, and not much like high church Episcopalians or Pentecostals. Part of it is the stratum of society each represents. You know, as Jesus I tried to get some variety in My Disciples, and there certainly was some, but they clearly did not represent the whole spectrum even of that society. And they didn’t stay together very long after My departure. The churches Paul founded were different from the church in Jerusalem, and each was different from each other. Yet, in the span of history denominations have developed that give evidence to a unity in levels… in nature of worship, content of sermons, particular theology and in nature of activities. All are not alike, but some are like some others.

MAY 3, 1981, 6:05 AM

You shall go this morning, o son, to a breakfast for Christian Unity, so let me prepare you in My special way, for this event. The truth you told last night about people applies equally here. In some ways… a Christian is like all other Christians… like some other Christians… and like no other Christians.

This means that there is an underlying unity to My Church which can never be broken, for it is the Unity that comes from the life, death, resurrection, and assumption of Jesus, the Christ. Those who . . .

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