Christianity And The Earth

NOV. 6, 1980, 6:01 AM
West Willow, Study

You have been reading some writings about Christianity that are not very complimentary and that put this religion of Mine in a narrow perspective. Let Me widen it for you this morning, o son. Christianity does have boundaries, but they are not as constricted as some of these writings indicate.

Christianity definitely has a base in this earth. I created this earth, and I have been around, affecting its functioning ever since. I am the only God, and therefore all religions are manifestations of Me. I did come to the earth and live as a human. Christianity stems from that experience, and this gives it a unique quality. You often wonder why the Jews, My Chosen People, rejected Me, as Jesus, as the Messiah… and why the religion became one of Gentiles, not Jews. I am not ready to tell you about this now.

It is a fact that Christianity was strong in what is called the Dark and Middle Ages. There was much worship of Me, by Lords and serfs, and there was emphasis on the reward of heaven. Life was primitive by your standards… also grim… but there also was a holy quality to it. Humankind had a very limited capacity to harm the earth and one another. That was good.

But there always are those who seek new and better goods. Some of these are motivated by My Spirit and some are not. I am always “in charge”, but I allow certain things to happen that are not directly part of My plan. That is enough to say about that. You just do not have the capacity to understand all that is involved in Me and the earth.

Christianity persisted in Europe and America, despite its rejection by those who developed science and technology. There could be no real rejection of it, however, for it has more capacity to reach the spirits of persons than does science. So these forces have co-existed. Just know that Christianity, though now linked in some ways with modernity and a “high standard of living” is in uneasy relationship with these, and is in no way bound only to them. It is a test of Christianity’s adaptability to see it functioning along with a life view that actually rejects many of its premises.

Science is a way of knowing, and it has some real value. Science is stronger when it contributes from its strengths and does not seek to denigrate other ways of knowing. It is best when it admits that it can know only what its way of knowing allows… and that this is far from complete, mainly because it does not often include My actions and purposes. It has limited value in knowing about humans and their actions.

Christianity has roots in the earth, and it values the earth. Christianity puts high value on humans. The balance is now being pushed over toward humans and away from the healthy functioning of the earth. This is not as it should be. The balance must be restored, either consciously and purposely by people or by the dying off of people and machines, without replacement, so that balance is restored.

NOV. 6, 1980, 6:01 AM
West Willow, Study

You have been reading some writings about Christianity that are not very complimentary and that put this religion of Mine in a narrow perspective. Let Me widen it for you this morning, o son. Christianity does have boundaries, but they are not as constricted as some of these writings indicate.

Christianity definitely has a base in this earth. I created this earth, and I have been around, affecting its functioning ever since. I am the only God, and therefore all religions are manifestations of Me. I did come to the earth . . .

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