Christmas, Easter, And Pentecost

TUES., APR. 17, 1990, 5:55 AM

With lots of time, o son, you have “birthed” a fine theme for your Spring issue of Ruminations. You know that you have Teachings galore on the two celebrated holidays and probably a few on this less remembered anniversary. And, quite naturally, I shall offer you a few new insights as a stimulus to a letter with a more “religious” theme than some in the recent past.

You have felt some concern for the future when letters and conversations convey the message that “your last Ruminations was one of your best”… or even “your best one yet.” The concern is that they just can’t get better and better. Some will be “a disappointment.” You know how you should feel, but I shall voice it so that you have it on paper. You are writing these not for praise or acclaim. Each letter is a gift to Me AND a collaboration with Me. Glory in any compliments, but do not write for such. Write what you and I decide should be written. Know that there always will be some who are touched, and some who are not. It is such with My Holy Scriptures. It shall be so with Our present contribution. Leave that concern behind, saith the Spirit!

As Almighty God I have always been and shall be evermore. There is no special Day to celebrate My advent, for I am the Constant here in the earth. In the Jewish tradition some of My more miraculous actions are remembered, but, naturally, the Christian religion focuses more on Me as Jesus. One of My purposes in coming into the earth as Jesus was to give tangibility to My presence and My purposes. As Yahweh I raised up human leaders such as Abraham, Jacob, Moses, and David, but these were clearly men, even though anointed in special ways by Me.

So I came to earth as the Baby Jesus, born of a young woman in a common, humble way. This birth is now celebrated as the great winter festival of Christendom. In a culture with some concern for the separation of church and state there is always some controversy about the “official” reference to Me as Jesus, the Christ and this being My Day. So you have Santa Claus, Kris Kringle, and the general practice of gift-giving, so that Christmas is now The commercial season of the year, and many businesses are dependent on Christmas purchases for their very life.

Easter is the remembrance of My crucifixion, My burial, and then My resurrection and ascension. This has become the spring festival for Christians, with some commercialization and a silly focus on Easter bunnies and Easter eggs. I continue to encourage you to see this as a strange juxtaposition, but no more strange, certainly, than the Baby Jesus and a white bearded old man in a red suit who sneaks down chimneys during the night.

Christmas is My advent as Jesus into the earth. Easter is My symbolic conquering of death, another evidence that I was the Christ and that My body shall not decay but is resurrected. Then comes Pentecost. You know that it is later in the Spring as is related somehow to Easter, which “slips around” according to the full moon, for some little known reason. Pentecost is mentioned but is not celebrated in your Christian tradition. It should be given more attention for it is the symbolic entrance of Me, the Holy Spirit, into earth life, as Teacher and Interpreter of Christ’s message, and of the whole of Scripture.

The Christ Spirit was in the earth before Jesus, but Jesus was the tangible symbol. I have been in the earth, along with the Father, “forever.” But then, as the Church, the Body of Christ continuing, was forming I was given an “official entry,” known as Pentecost. It is both important and unimportant that this entry be remembered and celebrated. The Triune God is a good and valid interpretation of Me, in relation to the earth. I, as Holy Spirit, am ever so active in the lives of humans in the earth. Pentecost acknowledged this. Say so.

6:53 AM