Christmas… Past?

THURS., DEC. 26, 1991, 6:31 AM

This is the day after Christmas, or it is the second day of Christmas. This is but a small indication of the variety of ways this holy day can be celebrated. John Patrick showed you the Teachings from and around Christmas for the years that We have been in this relationship, and this was an exciting aspect of the day. From what you read you discerned some expected overlap, but also a unique record of ways in which your Christmases have been spent, over these twelve years.

Actually for you this year Christmas began the day before, with your big meal, the candlelight church service, and some initial opening of gifts. You had a right to be proud as you family occupied an entire pew and as your son Bob performed well as the lead-off man in the Scriptural readings that told the Christmas story. Even as the little ones were restless they were not disruptive, and the experience of being in church on Christmas Eve is good for their spiritual development. You should be pleased that these three oldest sons are in active relationship with Me and that they each lead Christian families, though each in a different way. Though it obviously will sound repetitive I still reach out My hand to son Matthew and assure you that eventually he will accept My offer. It is difficult for him now, but eventually he will work through this insecurity and join “the family” in relationship with Me. You must be patient…as I am.

For you in your “tradition” Christmas now is past. This is the day after Christmas. This year, however, you shall have to embrace also the reality that son Bob wants to perpetuate – that this is the second of twelve days of Christmas. It would be good if you asked about this tradition… or read about it so that you understand what this extension means. It is both good and a bit silly to carry on a celebration such as this. I accept it when it is genuine, but I also see attempts at perpetuation that show forth little spirit.

Your “criticism” of the “words” that tell of Christmas, in Scripture and in the hymns and carols, was appropriately minimal. I have no objection to your questioning the details of the story as long as you continue to accept the mystical reality of it. Basically, Isaiah’s prophesy came fairly close, and this fulfilled a cultural need – to have a prophet of old predict that the Messiah would come in this way. The way was humbleness, even rejection from the beginning, with homage paid by both the rich and wise and those of humble life task. You are aware that church history indicates a period when Christians were a poor, persecuted sect, and then a powerful leader proclaimed that this was the religion and hence Christians became powerful. The story thus is a prophesy, for there are many people of low status who are My servants, but also there are rich and powerful churches, and I am linked to some political and economic power.

The Christmas story is a positive one of uncomplicated birth and the humble overcoming of rejection. As usual the Scripture which tells of the killing of Jewish baby boys is not addressed. Why was such a tale included? I said it later as the “preaching Jesus” – I came to bring peace… and the sword of discord. I did cause death at the beginning of My life, and much death has come in the history of My church. So you must patch in the Easter message – I have overcome death, for all who would accept My offer. Death is merely a departure from this earth life, to potentially closer relationship with Me. In a sense, then, I gave My life on Calvary for the lives of all of those boys who gave theirs at My birth. Bizarre, but mystical truth.

THURS., DEC. 26, 1991, 6:31 AM

This is the day after Christmas, or it is the second day of Christmas. This is but a small indication of the variety of ways this holy day can be celebrated. John Patrick showed you the Teachings from and around Christmas for the years that We have been in this relationship, and this was an exciting aspect of the day. From what you read you discerned some expected overlap, but also a unique record of ways in which your Christmases have been spent, over these twelve years.

Actually for you this . . .

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