Christmas Past… Ruminations Ahead

TUES., DEC. 26, 1995, 9:11 PM

With Christmas Day past, the season of Christmas fades for this year. There are reports of sales being down… and of shoppers overextending credit card buying. You can see how I would want honest merchants to make reasonable profits from sales, but I also, generally, am in favor of spending only what you have. You can see why I’m not completely in favor of any economic system over others.

You had a rather quiet Christmas, with no extensive traveling this year. I was pleased that you responded to My urging to write the letter of appreciation to son John Patrick. He needed that assurance that you were pleased with his interest in and dedication to Our Teachings. I was initially uncomfortable in choosing certain humans as special in how I wanted them to be, but as earth years have passed I have come to accept this as necessary reality. He is your special son at this time, and though I want you to react to whatever he proposes (and you may reject some of his possibilities), I do want you to trust him as one “sold” on this continuing relationship as reality. Though the ways shall be different, trust that I shall lead him as I wish for the future of these Teachings.

You just have to accept that your two older sons are on paths different enough from yours to make them skeptical, and non-accepting of your path, and Our relationship. It just is quite true that the diversity I love does divide even sons from fathers. Just be pleased with all of those who do accept what I have you write and are appreciative of Me, through you. And that one of your own sons is such.

Your task for the week is clearly the organization, writing, and distributing of this quarter’s Ruminations. It shall focus on the life and death of Our mutual friend, Chris, and, secondarily, on cancer and on death as a natural part of the life cycle. In years, Chris was “not old enough to die”, by the standards of your culture. Still, it was her time. There were many prayers lifted for her recovery. I heard all of these. I certainly have the power to reverse the growth of cancerous cells. Obviously I didn’t use this power, and hence I say that it was her time. She was living a good life. She had a gift to give to the world, obviously her voice. She also had some capacities for healing. Yet it still was her time to return.

She is a fairly “old soul”, and she crossed on over very easily. She was enjoying her earth life and her relationship with Easy, but she was also glad to be through with that cancerous body and back among other “older friends”.

Cancer is one of those conditions I’m allowing to develop… as a “natural” response, by a few, to the waste materials from your high entropy culture. I see a lot of money and resources being wasted (yes, I said wasted) on treating and curing cancers. This disease is still, ultimately, under My control. (That is, I can help to bring about certain remissions). Yet you have certain advantages from technology, and this is one of the costs of these, given the interactions here in the earth.

Easy was willing to trust you with this reference to Chris. I didn’t have to do much to convince him of this value, but he is right… I could have “zapped” him in some way if he decided to be resistant. You’re not sure, yet, what you should include in these 7 pages, but you are confident that I will guide you… and you’re right!

TUES., DEC. 26, 1995, 9:11 PM

With Christmas Day past, the season of Christmas fades for this year. There are reports of sales being down… and of shoppers overextending credit card buying. You can see how I would want honest merchants to make reasonable profits from sales, but I also, generally, am in favor of spending only what you have. You can see why I’m not completely in favor of any economic system over others.

You had a rather quiet Christmas, with no extensive traveling this year. I was pleased that you responded to My urging . . .

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