Christmas Past… Slow Healing

TUES., DEC. 26, 2000, 7:40 AM

The celebration of Christmas, My birthday, as Jesus, was both usual and unusual this year. It was joyous and full of activity, both here and at son John Patrick’s house. Yet your injured and still painful feet were an everpresent impediment to both normality and joy. This will be an incident to remember… that all coincided with Christmas.

You’d like to be out feeding those cows of yours… the other animals, too, but you acknowledge that you shouldn’t be “on” these feet any more than necessary… and it is treacherous out there (ice, especially) when your balance is as impaired as it is. Wouldn’t it feel good to be able to throw them several bales of good hay? Remember this feeling when you have recovered and can again carry out such chores.

You didn’t do much in the way of gift-giving this year, but you didn’t receive excessively, either. Yet you were in the midst of much giving and receiving, and it was satisfying to be one of the oldest ones. There was “evidence” during yesterday morning that you are surely a grandparent, but, also a great-grandparent. Four generations, and you and Lenore are the “old ones.”

You have not been to a church worship service for a month, and you do miss this “connection” – with Me and with your congregation. The snow and ice have been more responsible for your lack of participation. If it had been warm and dry you probably would have been among those acknowledging this Season as Mine. Again, remember this in future years.

The healing of your feet is slow and painful. Your night, just past, had as much discomfort and wakefulness as peaceful, restful sleep. You’ll hear, later this week, how the healing is going, medically. Remember that you have the time to be patient with this healing. Medical procedures may be necessary, but continue to consider your age and the other “threats” to the continuing of this earth life. Your spirit will continue its growth-producing journey, but this body needn’t be an impediment for much longer. So enjoy this life as fully as possible, but give little attention to prolonging it by medical means. ( 8:08 / 8:13 )

It is also, obviously, the winter season, and it is an early, cold one. You should be out providing hay and ground corn to your waiting cattle, but you can’t quite do this yet. It is frustrating to be up, feeling generally good, but unable to provide food and water for these waiting animals of yours. This is an “introduction,” in a somewhat dramatic way, to the “nature” of this time of old age… when you lose capacities that you once had, but shall not recover and recoup. It is a challenging time of life for your spirit – accepting limitations and losses, and yet living life as fully and joyfully as possible.

Your main “gift” ( 8:22 / 8:27 ) was the letters you wrote to your sons, along with some of the “wealth” bequeathed to you by your frugal parents. They took time, but were much better than just a short note or card. Continue to do this, expressing your feelings… and you’re already blessed with a response from John Patrick.

The loss of the sight in your right eye is not crippling, but it is bothersome (making you more cautious about depth perception.) It should make you appreciative of the sight you still have, necessary or these Teachings. Consider practicing, occasionally, receiving Teachings orally, that could be taped. It won’t come easily, so some beginning practice would seem desirable. Or ( 8:35 / 8:40 ) do you want to accept that when you are no longer able to see to write what you hear from Me that I have no more to say to you? I’ll tell you now this would not be so… and hence that you should continue to be adaptable.

TUES., DEC. 26, 2000, 7:40 AM

The celebration of Christmas, My birthday, as Jesus, was both usual and unusual this year. It was joyous and full of activity, both here and at son John Patrick’s house. Yet your injured and still painful feet were an everpresent impediment to both normality and joy. This will be an incident to remember… that all coincided with Christmas.

You’d like to be out feeding those cows of yours… the other animals, too, but you acknowledge that you shouldn’t be “on” these feet any more than necessary… and . . .

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