Church In Turmoil?

MON., JUNE 6, 1994, 5:27 AM

The copy for the church newsletter is finished, your main task for this weekend before departure. Mostly it is a chronicling of serious events, even as some of these – the graduations and Judy’s election – are events of joy. You added levity, as you should have, but then you felt “called” to add a comment about the upcoming General Assembly. The papers that represent the viable “opposing” factions tell of turmoil now and ahead, and so you have raised some questions about the Great Ends of the Church. So aren’t you interested in how I see this struggle? As long as you’re up this early…

One group, mostly men, with women who support them, want to save the church from heresy and apostasizing. The church must be true to the Bible, as they interpret it, and it must stand firm against those who would want it to conform to the developing culture, some of which they do not approve.

The other group, mostly women, with men who support them, represent a Gospel of inclusiveness and one that presents a God Who is equally feminine and masculine. They see that the church should have a reformation in each new era and stand for social justice, however this is currently defined.

The “church,” between these factions, the majority of Presbyterians, are only vaguely aware of this struggle or they feel that both are too extreme, and “why does there have to be this controversy?” “Let’s be sure we get the roof repaired right this time!”

So, this means that there are two battling factions, on either side of a large group of disinterested or non-militant parishioners. You have diversity within your own denomination, with very few who are comfortable with this diversity.

The Holy Scriptures are “Me,” in written form and thus should be hallowed, studied, and, if need be, defended. I love those who will stand firm for righteousness… each generations version of Onward Christian Soldiers. Yet as Jesus My one real wrath was against the Pharisees, who were holding to the traditional Scriptures and their interpretations thereof, and rejecting Me as the Messiah they expected. Some of these men who stand so firm on Scripture and hold to traditions lean almost too far toward the Pharisees.

The Holy Scriptures are marvelously adaptable to cultures and to changing times. They are both an anchored pier and a floating raft… each of which can be helpful to one who is swimming… and perhaps in need of rest. “Come to Me ALL you who are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn of Me, for My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” What if ALL should come to Me? Would there then have to be a winnowing, so that only those who came in a narrowly prescribed way be yoked together?

As you look at the world and even at your culture you see many diverse groups claiming to be part of the Body of Christ. Is the Body still a good example? Let’s try it. On this earth there are many shapes, sizes, and colors of bodies that function as humans. Each, however, must have a heart, lungs… and all of the vital organs, fluids, messenger molecules… How much variation can sustain life? Some, certainly, but with definite limitations.

MON., JUNE 6, 1994, 5:27 AM

The copy for the church newsletter is finished, your main task for this weekend before departure. Mostly it is a chronicling of serious events, even as some of these – the graduations and Judy’s election – are events of joy. You added levity, as you should have, but then you felt “called” to add a comment about the upcoming General Assembly. The papers that represent the viable “opposing” factions tell of turmoil now and ahead, and so you have raised some questions about the Great Ends of the Church. So aren’t . . .

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