Churches… Churches…

SAT., SEPT. 12, 1998, 2:45 PM

The news report that came in the mail today gave you a clearer picture of what has happened in that seemingly idyllic Orthodox church among the redwoods, home to Michael and Wendy and their family. It certainly is not the first such squabble among parts of My Body, so I am not surprised or greatly perturbed. You have some feelings about this situation, but you surely will welcome some thoughts from Me, your loquacious, even sometimes eloquent Holy Spirit.

As Jesus, the Christ, I can and do affirm that the Church is My Body, symbolically, here in the Earth. As you are well aware (using the analogy) there are many forms, shapes, colors, and capacities in bodies, particularly in the human. And… there are many forms, sizes, and capacities in churches. Within a single body there are myriad parts, mostly working cooperatively, but some in competition… for good and for ill. Some parts are stronger than others; some wear out, and adaptations have to be made. In each denomination or portion of the church, with its own history, traditions, and interpretations of Holy Scripture there are individuals who cooperate with one another and others who seek changes, for good and for ill.

Though a church, in a spiritual sense, is not an institution in a culture, but is a mystical continuation of Me, Who was free to be Who I was and to speak in unlimited ways, it also is the institution I just said it was not. It is part of the culture… and it is not. In legal matters it can be a legal institution… or one not subject to the laws which bind and direct other institutions.

Thus, in the St. Peter and St. Paul “case” in Ben Lomand the majority group (including Michael and Wendy), the dissidents, did not “win”. The smaller “loyalist” group, holding to the authority of the Orthodox Church and its Metropolitan, were assured that the property belongs to the Church, Orthodox, and not to those who contributed but defied the Church. Yes, this is both fair and unfair.

Despite what some of these more clearly organized portions of My Body claim (3:14 / 3:14) I have no preferences for ways of worship. As Holy Spirit I work when, where, how, and with whom I choose, from Orthodox to Pentecostal to even Unitarian. I am part of a wide range of worship services, and I even encourage interpretations of Scripture in ways that may seem to be conflicting, even opposing. There would not be Orthodox churches if they didn’t meet the spiritual needs of some seekers… and needs come in many forms and guises. Presbyterian churches survive and thrive because this more democratic, less liturgical form of church is one that meets other folks’ needs.

In this present “case” the loyalists accept the judgment of the Metropolitan and Bishops, whatever these may be. The dissidents oppose some practices, wanting to “improve” worship by not changing as the Church mandates. They are a majority, but in this Arm of My Body this doesn’t “win”. It is a case where the dissidents, in wanting to retain some “uncomfortable” but familiar aspects of worship, being more Orthodox, had to oppose the designated (by Me?) leader, which is not Orthodox practice. It is interesting to you that the judge, in a secular court, found for the loyalists upholding the judgment of the Metropolitan. All institutions of a culture don’t have to function in identical ways.

The Scriptures tell you that, as Almighty God, I am Supreme and can function as I wish. I am not interested in votes for or against Me… or in what “the majority” want. The Orthodox Church is in this patriarchal, authoritarian tradition, and it does fit well with many “stories” of Me as God.

The Scriptures also portray Me as loving, forgiving… one who turns the other cheek… a supporter of the underdog. I came as the Messiah and was not accepted as such by My own chosen people, the Jews. I “let the culture win” and accepted death on the cross. The Jews who rejected Me are still My people. The Moslems, springing spiritually from a son of Abraham, My chosen patriarch, are also My people. In this sense, I seem to have no strict standards… and would favor the dissidents, as I did you Protestants years ago.

SAT., SEPT. 12, 1998, 2:45 PM

The news report that came in the mail today gave you a clearer picture of what has happened in that seemingly idyllic Orthodox church among the redwoods, home to Michael and Wendy and their family. It certainly is not the first such squabble among parts of My Body, so I am not surprised or greatly perturbed. You have some feelings about this situation, but you surely will welcome some thoughts from Me, your loquacious, even sometimes eloquent Holy Spirit.

As Jesus, the Christ, I can and do affirm that the . . .

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