
SAT., OCT. 22, 1983, 7:18 AM

The word came to you, and you knew not where it would lead. So, We embark upon another venture of faith on this Saturday morn. What can I do with the term “circulation”? You know, o son, that I am capable, so hear and then write.

Circulation is one of the key physiological processes. All of the nutrients you take in as food and all of the oxygen that you take in to make life processes work… all would be for naught if it were not for circulation. In terms that concern Me… without circulation of blood, humans and most other creatures would not exist, and so neither would this physical earth plane as a special place for the growth and development of spirit.

(I realize, of course, that each of the vital processes is necessary… that circulation is not unique and special in its importance, but this, too, has spiritual significance, and is part of this morning’s story.)

Circulation refers to that mundane process of mechanically moving blood and lymph around the body so that nutrients, oxygen, and other materials might be distributed so that life – and health – continue. Equally important is the gathering of waste materials and moving them to the organs of disposal.

Is there also spiritual circulation? Spirit is so important and pervasive that nearly every mundane process has a spiritual analog. The heart is the main organ of circulation, and you realize that many cultural and religious groups have designated the heart as a central spiritual organ. Your literature, both sacred and secular, abound with references to the heart as the focal point of love.

Well, is there a focal point for love, for honor, for integrity, for compassion, for mercy…? In one sense… no… there is no need for such. These simply spring from the human spirit which is pervasive and all-in-all… not limited to any specific system. But in another sense it seems odd to consider love emanating from the left kidney or the tiny thymus gland. Hence there is a kind of romantic wisdom in tying spirit to the heart and to its utterly pervasive circulatory system. When love is generated, from the heart it proceeds to invade every cell of the body and nurture those cells, and therefore their functioning, in ways as important as oxygen and nutrients.

Within the incarnate body spirit circulates and nourishes. Spirit must be part of the whole body, if it is to fulfill its function of unifying and coordinating this amazing structure.

SAT., OCT. 22, 1983, 7:18 AM

The word came to you, and you knew not where it would lead. So, We embark upon another venture of faith on this Saturday morn. What can I do with the term “circulation”? You know, o son, that I am capable, so hear and then write.

Circulation is one of the key physiological processes. All of the nutrients you take in as food and all of the oxygen that you take in to make life processes work… all would be for naught if it were not for circulation. In terms that . . .

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