Classes Comleted

THURS., MAY 2, 1996, 6:32 AM

With a final rousing chorus of The Cat Came Back the “classroom” portion of your Spring courses ended yesterday. It was a unique session, crowded into your “country kitchen” on a cooler-than-expected Spring afternoon. Each spoke positively about the course experience, as the groups had done on the two previous days, validating the continuation of you as a good teacher. You will miss experiences of this nature, so consciously cultivate and enjoy the ones that you’ll have this summer and then next school year.

Yes, o son, cultivate and enjoy them, but also be not so attached to them that you can’t let them die when it is time. There is a time to teach, and a time to retire from teaching. Now it is still your time to be active, and you have many hours to put in on reading the finals you’ve assigned. As I’ve suggested, you can reconsider this last assignment in next year’s classes, a sort of “gift” in your departure year.

There are two summer classes that loom ahead, and these are also to enjoy, as expected. Because there is no certainty about such classes for the summer beyond, you may consider these as possible last ones, in this concentrated form. Then, if you can close off your career with one or two more in mid 1997 you can see these as gifts… and really have fun with them… particularly if one of them can be on Human/Spiritual Interacting. I’ll do what I can to make that work.

Thus, it is not yet time to relax and enjoy life with fewer “oughta’s.” That lies ahead, and it will be good when that time comes. Even as you have desires for fewer pressures, deadlines, and “must do”’s. I call on you to appreciate the ones you have now, for they are an integral part of your life now. It’s certainly acceptable to look ahead, and also to look back and savor times gone by, but it also is vital to focus on the present and get as much out of what you have opportunities to do now. In the future the memories you will have are based in the experiences that are now your present.

As you look ahead to the future classes you’ll have I want you to develop a presentation that can be offered in each one, an alamgam of the content of your four “non-professional” courses, with a good emphasis on the spiritual. You’ve been thinking of this, but you haven’t done it yet, mainly because it’s going to take some time, thought, and organization. And if you do it well it could become one of those professional articles I recommend but don’t seem to see produced. (You oughta… remember?)

Yes, o son, you see much that can and should be done, even right here in this study room. As you look out you see some green lawn that seems to have renewed itself, but this closer to the house needs some “help” if it is to look better, at least. Your woodshed needs repair, and it would be good to get that fire-wood “yard” cleaned out in better fashion.

Oh, I could go on… with what are you going to do with the stuff in your office? You know someone else will want that spacious place, and you’ll have to decide what to keep and what to give away or pitch.

THURS., MAY 2, 1996, 6:32 AM

With a final rousing chorus of The Cat Came Back the “classroom” portion of your Spring courses ended yesterday. It was a unique session, crowded into your “country kitchen” on a cooler-than-expected Spring afternoon. Each spoke positively about the course experience, as the groups had done on the two previous days, validating the continuation of you as a good teacher. You will miss experiences of this nature, so consciously cultivate and enjoy the ones that you’ll have this summer and then next school year.

Yes, o son, cultivate . . .

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