Close Encounters

JUNE 18, 1981, 5:43 AM

You finally have gotten Me back into a priority position. Hear, o son, some teaching about the experiences you have been having, with particular emphasis on the encounters with kindred spirits. I appreciated the prayers and the dedications of your sessions to Me. You wanted better results… and that is understandable. Your feelings were rather accurate. You are not all-purpose and outstanding. Whatever you do shall not be appreciated by all. But also hear that there is room for your improvement. When the evaluations come out in written form consider them seriously and use them as a guide for improvement.

I told you, before you began this venture, that you would meet… that I would bring you into relationship with… some people of kindred spirit. Now you are experiencing that, and it is truly exciting. Yes, there are many in the earth who have had spiritual experiences, but few who can and will share them easily. You see that you are coming to be one who brings forth testimonies from people, facilitating sharing experiences. This is just the beginning for you. You must be ready for the responsibility, for sharing of this sort, professional to professional, can be somewhat frightening.

People are telling you stories now because of your songs and stories, and because of the you that is communicated when you sing and tell. You really have made no specific invitational statements about spirit yet. Nevertheless, some have discerned your spirit and have come out to encounter you. These are sacred happenings… yet still very preliminary to what shall occur in the future.

I still call upon you to keep the balance… the rhythm. You are still to be first and foremost a health education professional. This is an important aspect of My plan for you. The close spiritual encounters shall develop because you are a recognized health expert. Remember that you are helping to develop a more truly holistic concept of health, not just preach the spiritual dimension. You tell… and show… how this relates to the other dimensions. You did not do this very consciously and well with your alcohol sessions. You must develop a better rhythm there… but it shall come.

Hear the stories told to you very carefully. Express back what you feel. There shall be some disappointment, as there was last night, but keep your focus on the good that did happen. You shall have many and varied opportunities in the future. Learn from what you miss doing, but do not spend time in lamenting your shortcomings.

JUNE 18, 1981, 5:43 AM

You finally have gotten Me back into a priority position. Hear, o son, some teaching about the experiences you have been having, with particular emphasis on the encounters with kindred spirits. I appreciated the prayers and the dedications of your sessions to Me. You wanted better results… and that is understandable. Your feelings were rather accurate. You are not all-purpose and outstanding. Whatever you do shall not be appreciated by all. But also hear that there is room for your improvement. When the evaluations come out in written form consider . . .

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