Coin Of The Realm

SAT., APR. 2, 1988, 6:42 AM

The coin of the realm is that which is of most importance. The coin of the realm for the earth is love, and this Easter season is one that should exemplify this in a special way. As Jesus, I gave My earth life so that many might come to a special relationship with Me and the Father more easily and quickly. The motivation for that sacrifice was love, and love should be the motivation for most of the actions of Christians.

You come in the morning (usually) to hear what I have to offer you. The motivation for this should be love, meaning that you love this spiritual kingdom from which I speak, and you want to be a part of it, even as you are living life in the earth as a bodily human. You will learn much, but not greatly more than if you studied the Scriptures and other inspired writings. Having said this I then also assure you that when you come in love your learning has a deeper, more lasting quality to it. For love is the coin of the realm, and those who avail themselves of it are rich indeed.

You shall spend the morning in church tomorrow, a morning with many roles. As you envision each one please see that each requires love in order to be done effectively. Love that congregation. Love that building. Love those who come only on this Easter Sunday. Love each activity for its potential in bringing forth love. Know that I am in the midst of all that you do. I am the coin maker and the coin distributor. My love permeates and should be that which brings forth more love. My challenge to you is to feel and give forth love in these church experiences.

The other evening you had a pocket full of coins, and Lenore invited you to put them in the Easter cards being sent to grandchildren. You did it, but without the love that those coins could crudely represent. From the vantage point of this time of teaching you see so many things you have done, not without love, but without the consciousness that love can make any action more effective. Spend your coins, and lo, you shall have many more to spend in many more ways.

I realize that it sounds strange… even maudlin… to talk about love as a part of the activities of life. Shouldn’t love be special? Shouldn’t love be reserved for only those extra-ordinary situations and persons that are part of your life. Hear Me reiterate an old but solid theme: the more you feel, express, and receive love the more you shall have, both to give and to receive. The analogy I offer is that love is the coin… not the $100 bill… but the more numerous and lowly coin.

As this special Easter version of your family gathers tomorrow, in that, too, let love be the coin of the realm. Feel the goodness in a family gathering together for a meal, even as this is different from the church family in the morning. Resist the feeling of need for solitude, and love the activity and those who are here. With this reminder I know you can respond as I, and you, wish.

SAT., APR. 2, 1988, 6:42 AM

The coin of the realm is that which is of most importance. The coin of the realm for the earth is love, and this Easter season is one that should exemplify this in a special way. As Jesus, I gave My earth life so that many might come to a special relationship with Me and the Father more easily and quickly. The motivation for that sacrifice was love, and love should be the motivation for most of the actions of Christians.

You come in the morning (usually) to hear what I . . .

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