
MON., AUG. 21, 1989, 6:15 AM

Through the writing of My servant Bernie I have introduced you to the idea that a coincidence may be My way of remaining anonymous. There are coincidences that are genuine, here in the earth, so each one that you experience or hear about is not “Me in action.” Yet any one could be. That is important for you to know.

Let’s review the incident involving your back this last Saturday during the moving process. Anything having to do with your back could be quite natural… an evidence of a minor weakness in your body’s structure. It also could be completely symbolic… an experience from which you are expected to learn something important about spiritual growth. Or, an experience of back pain could be some combination of these two extremes, for you know I can use natural earth events quite effectively. And I do.

Your physical/natural explanation is that some combination of the long drive in the truck, lifting some box in an awkward way, and not wearing your elastic belt produced back pain somewhat reminiscent of that which you experienced nine years ago. You were troubled by this, but it caused you only to put the belt on and lift more carefully. You did not withdraw from the necessary moving process. You completed your part of the job. But your back hurt, and you felt the numbness in your foot that is your special reminder. All of this could be just natural coincidence. It could be Me deliberately teaching you a lesson. Or it could be Me using a natural occurrence to teach you about love and healing… something you should now incorporate into your own teaching.

You realized and acknowledged that at least part of the motivation for being so actively involved in that moving process was love for your son and his family. Further, acknowledging this motivation is the best condition for healing. The reading of Bernie’s book was just coincidence or it was part of My teaching technique in that critical incident. The belt came off and the pain diminished. You still feel twinges, but isn’t this just a reminder of an important, vital lesson?

My advice is to be careful, for you do have some weakness in your lower spinal area. More importantly, however, is that as you act, even recklessly, in love you create the conditions for rapid, even miraculous, healing and continued wellness. The power of love is the greatest power in the universe… in the cosmos. I am the Source of love, but this is manifested by humans… even by you. So I call upon you to know this and to make it known through the various opportunities you are offered or that you create.

As you continue to experience life be aware of and appreciate coincidences as a way that I am active and influential here in the earth. This is one of My best teaching approaches, even as many do not learn as they should. Every painful experience is not of My doing, but any one could be. You can learn from every experience. Why not be open to more of these?

I encourage you to be freer in feeling love for members of your actual family and of your extended family… those who have been “special” students of yours. Then you also may become freer in expressing this love, which does encourage love in others. And, I say, you can do nothing more positive for the health of those you love than encouraging them to love more and to express that love, even in words.

MON., AUG. 21, 1989, 6:15 AM

Through the writing of My servant Bernie I have introduced you to the idea that a coincidence may be My way of remaining anonymous. There are coincidences that are genuine, here in the earth, so each one that you experience or hear about is not “Me in action.” Yet any one could be. That is important for you to know.

Let’s review the incident involving your back this last Saturday during the moving process. Anything having to do with your back could be quite natural… an evidence of a minor . . .

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